Articles in English

Migrants' miserable situation under Duterte
October 07, 2019

The Duterte regime is scrambling to push Filipino workers to take their chances overseas to artificially keep the deteriorating economy of the country afloat. Amid worsening unemployment and continuously declining local production, the regime is agressively selling its large pool of unemployed Filipinos to capitalist countries that are salivating over cheap and docile labor. Among […]

Successful jeepney strike
October 07, 2019

Jeepney drivers and operators successfully conducted a national strike on September 30. Sacrifing their income for a day, they coverged in several protest centers to show their opposition to “modernization” program of the government. The reactionary government has been pushing for the implementation of the program since 2017. The government plans to phase-out 15-year old […]

Teachers demand P30,000 salary
October 07, 2019

Around 5,000 teachers, government employees and health workers marched to Mendiola last October 4 to demand the Duterte regime to uphold its promise to increase their salaries. Led by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), the teachers mounted a “30K” formation to symbolize their unity in their campaign to increase the entry-level salary of teachers […]

Rottenness and criminality in upper echelons of state police forces are fully exposed
October 07, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The rottenness and criminality up to the upper echelons of the state police forces are being played out fully in the senate hearings during the past few days. The police chief himself has been implicated in the case involving police officers who pilfered more than 160 kilograms worth P650 million in a 2013 drug bust […]

Commemorate the 70th year of the 1949 victory of the Chinese revolution
October 01, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the proletariat across the world in marking today the 70th year of the 1949 victory of the Chinese revolution. Seventy years ago to this day, Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC) declared the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Today, the CPP […]