Articles in English

Release two members of NDFP peace staff
July 25, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the arrest of two members of the NDFP staff for peace negotiations. The CPP demands the Duterte regime to immediately release Alexander Birondo and Winona Birondo who are both covered by the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) having participated in the NDFP-GRP peace negotiations […]

The NPA does not do torture
July 25, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Based on reports of the concerned NPA command, the four armed personnel of the Philippine National Police were killed in an ambush mounted by the NPA in Ayungon town last week, and were not tortured, contrary to false claims made by Duterte. They were armed adversaries of the NPA and died in a legitimate act […]

US tightens hold on the Philippines
July 21, 2019

THE PHILIPPINES further tightened its hold on the Philippines after the 8th Bi­la­te­ral Stra­te­gic Dia­lo­gue (BSD) between both countries was concluded last June 15-16. The annual BSD is conducted under US-Philippines Mu­tu­al Defen­se Tre­aty and is participated in by ranking officials of the US government and the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The US delegation […]

Workers mount #PayDayProtest
July 21, 2019

MEMBERS OF THE Kilusang Mayo Uno conducted a #PayDayProtest on July 15, a week before Rodrigo Duterte’s State of the Nation Address. They condemned the regime’s continuing policy of wage repression, contractualization and the overarching jobs crisis in the country. Farm workers from Hacien­da Buencon­sejoa in E.B. Ma­ga­lo­na, Neg­ros Occi­den­tal participated in the campaign. They […]

Regime coerces fishermen to withdraw writ of kalikasan petition
July 21, 2019

ON JULY 9, lawyers of the Duterte regime coerced 40 fishermen from Masinloc, Zambales and Palawan to withdraw their petition for a writ of kalikasan in the West Phi­lip­pi­ne Sea (WPS). Assisted by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, the fishermen filed a petition at the Supreme Court last April against China’s destruction of coral […]