Articles in English

Denounce sedition cases against Robredo et al
July 19, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the sedition cases filed by the Duterte government against Vice President Leni Robredo, Sen. Leila de Lima, Bishop Soc Villegas and at least thirty other individuals identified with the political opposition. Charging the forces of the political opposition with sedition is a clear case of harassment and […]

On Duterte's dare for US to fire first shot against China
July 07, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Rodrigo Duterte repeatedly makes the faulty argument that the only option for the Philippines to defend its maritime territory and exclusive economic zone is to go to a “losing war” with China, or have the US military wage the war for the country. As pointed out by so many experts in international relations, academics and […]

Manifest the people's anger and power
July 07, 2019

Without a doubt, Duterte is the Philippine national bully. Surrounded by armor, he acts as if he is invincible. He controls his armed minions who never fail to comply with all his orders. Tens of thousands of have been killed and millions are tyrannized. He holds the people’s money. He has congress in his pockets […]

US imposes sanctions against Venezuela & Iran
July 07, 2019

IN ITS LATEST attempt to suppress its rival countries, the US imperialist government once again imposed sanctions against Venezuela and Iran. On June 28, the US government freezed all of Nicolas “Nicolasito” Maduro Guerra’s assets and barred all American firms and citizens from doing business with him. This measure was carried out after the failed […]

Trump's extremely oppressive anti-immigrant policy
July 07, 2019

DONALD TRUMP’s anti-immigration policy provoked the ire of the people after a harrowing photo of El Salvadoran father and daughter who drowned on June 4 while crossing the Rio Grande circulated on mass media. The victims were identified as Oscar, 25, and Valeria Martinez, 3. They attempted to cross from Mexico into Texas in the […]