Articles in English

Response of NPA-Eastern Visayas to 78th IB commanding officer: Local peace talks a narrow-minded, divide-and-rule tactic of a parochial GRP President
January 14, 2019 | New People's Army | Eastern Visayas Regional Operational Command (Efren Martires Command) | Karlos Manuel | Spokesperson |

The NDFP-GRP peace talks cannot be diminished into localized peace talks. The roots of the armed conflict are national issues. In fact, the very soul of the substantive agenda of the GRP-NDFP talks are the socio-economic reforms tackling genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization, which aim to end the country’s chronic economic crisis and backwardness. […]

On Duterte's new 3-year deadline to end the NPA
January 08, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

1. As the CPP predicted in a previous statement, the Duterte regime and its armed forces once again moved its impossible deadline of ending the armed struggle being waged by the New People’s Army. In October 2017, it declared it will end the NPA before the end of 2018. On September last year, the deadline […]

Denounce police surveillance against teachers and other democratic sectors
January 08, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in strongly denouncing the stepped-up surveillance by Duterte’s police forces against members of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) as well as other democratic mass organizations. The surveillance was exposed after leaders of ACT revealed that officials of the Department of Education in Metro […]

Key economic and political prospects for 2019
January 07, 2019

Let us take stock of the key economic and political prospects for 2019 in order and firmly carry out our tasks to further strengthen the Party and advance the people’s revolutionary struggles. This year, the Party calls on the Filipino people to intensify with all energy the struggle to oust the puppet, fascist and corrupt […]

NPA seizes 35 HPRs in Kalinga and Samar
January 07, 2019

The New People’s Army seized 35 high-powered rifles (HPRs) in successive tactical offensives from December 18 to 23, 2018. In addition to the 24 HPR seized by the NPA in Surigao del Sur in December 19, this brought the total number of HPRs seized by the NPA in December to 59. This was the NPA’s […]