Articles in English

‘Crackdown’ sa mga gu­ro, bi­na­ti­kos
January 07, 2019

Binatikos ng Alliance of Concer­ned Teachers (ACT), mga gu­ro, abu­ga­do at ta­ga­pag­tang­gol ng ka­ra­pa­tang-tao ang utos ng Phi­lip­pi­ne Na­tio­nal Po­lice (PNP) na tik­ti­kan ang mga myembro at kaal­ya­do ng ACT noong Ene­ro 6. Nagpro­tes­ta ang mga gu­ro mu­la sa Ma­ni­la Pub­lic Scho­ol Teachers Associa­ti­on at ACT sa ha­ra­pan ng upi­si­na ng De­partment of Educa­ti­on-Ma­ni­la noong […]

On the pen and the gun
December 29, 2018 |

It is significant that Mao mentions the pen first before the gun. Our experience shows that we must first arouse before we can organize and then mobilize people, whether it is in taking up the pen, or the gun, or further, the gun and the pen. Reviewing its 50 years of uninterrupted revolutionary struggle, we can say that the CPP has been successful in wielding both weapons.

Ang Bayan Special Issue | December 26, 2018
December 26, 2018

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Celebrate the Party's 50th anniversary and lead the Philippine revolution to greater victories
December 26, 2018 |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), together with the entire membership of the CPP, the Filipino people and all their revolutionary forces, celebrate today 50 years of great achievements and revolutionary victories accumulated by the Party through five decades of leading the people’s democratic revolution since it was established on […]

On Duterte's plan to enforce hamletting
December 20, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

  The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces Duterte’s plan to hamlet rural residents which will surely result in widespread and gross violations of human rights and grave sufferings on the toiling masses. Hamletting or the forced concentration and detention of people in military-controlled camps is a brutal, cruel and illegal tactic of an […]