Articles in English

Nationwide tactical offensives, answer to martial law extension in Mindanao
December 12, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the Philippine Congress for extending Duterte’s martial law in Mindanao by another year. Further extension of military rule will result in more killings, abductions, torture and worse abuses against the people. Everyone who voted in favor of extending martial rule in Mindanano will have their names tainted […]

EO 70 is a thin veil to conceal Duterte's brutal war
December 11, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Malacañang yesterday announced Duterte’s issuance of Executive Order No. 70 forming the National Task Force which he will head with the declared aim of ending the armed revolution through the “whole-of-nation” approach and “delivery of basic services” to supposedly “address the root causes” of the armed conflict. It is a actually a thin veil to […]

Duterte's Continuing Reign of Terror: Ang Bayan Human Rights Report 2018 (January-December 7, 2018)
December 11, 2018

Duterte’s Continuing Reign of Terror Ang Bayan Human Rights Report (January-December 7, 2018) Download PDF: PIL In conjunction with the commemoration of the December 10 International Human Rights Day, we are issuing this report culled from Ang Bayan’s (AB) news reports of human rights violations perpetrated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine […]

AFP/PNP cannot stop revolutionary taxes with martial law
December 10, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The AFP and PNP claims another reason for martial law is to stop the collection of revolutionary taxes and prevent the New People’s Army (NPA) from implementing the revolutionary policies on the reactionary elections. In fact, the AFP and PNP cannot stop the revolutionary movement from collecting taxes or ensuring policies with regard the conduct […]

Heighten resistance against Duterte's martial extension in Mindanao and de facto nationwide martial law
December 09, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

As expected, Duterte is now pushing for the extension of martial law in Mindanao which is a key component of his scheme to manipulate the outcome of the 2019 midterm elections in order to control congress and the local government units with military agents and pro-AFP politicians, suppress all opposition through armed intimidation and coercion […]