Articles in English

AFP suffers 39 casualties
November 21, 2018

The Armed Forces of the Philippines suffered not less than 39 casualties—23 killed and 16 wounded— from successful military actions launched by the New People’s Army (NPA) in Bukidnon, Iloilo, Northern Samar and Camarines Sur this October. Bukidnon. Successive armed actions were mounted by the NPA-Bukidnon from November 10 to 16, killing 13 soldiers and […]

China accelerates economic colonization of the Philippines*
November 21, 2018

China aims to overwhelm the Philippine economy with its excess capital, make it dependent on Chinese loans and grants, impose neoliberal economic policies, plunder and exploit the country’s labor and natural resources, control the key aspects of the economy, and lock the Philippines in a perennial state of exporting cheap and low value-added raw and […]

Groups meet Xi Jinping with protests
November 21, 2018

Groups led by the Pilipinong Nagkakaisa para sa Soberanya (P1NAS), Bagong Alyansang Makabayan and Anakbayan met Xi Jinping’s arrival in the Philippines last November 20 with protests. P1NAS trooped to the Chinese consulate in Makati to demand China’s withdrawal from the West Philippine Sea where it has conducted reclamation and constructed various military infrastructures. The […]

NPA-Zam­boa­nga foils AFP attacks
November 21, 2018

Amid relentless attacks of the fascist troops and local spies of the US-Duterte regime, the New People’s Army (NPA) and its mass base in the Zamboanga Peninsula remain steadfast and are steadily fighting back. Among the victories won by the NPA in the last six months (May-September 2018) are as follows: Last May, the 42nd […]

Building the Party in Re­ga­ta
November 21, 2018

This article is a contribution by Party members from the youth sector to Ang Bayan’s (AB) series featuring outstanding experiences on Party branch building in various fields of revolutionary work. AB’s editors encourage all Party committees to contribute to this series by submitting their featured stories. Regata is a university in the national capital with […]