Articles in English

Filipino people welcome return of Balangiga Bells, demand US apology for crimes
November 14, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

(Amended) The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) considers the impending return of the Balangiga Bells in December as a victory for the Filipino people. It is but just and long overdue. The return of the bells, taken as war booty by American occupation forces, has long been demanded by the Filipino people as it […]

Conviction of Imelda Marcos is welcome but comes too late
November 13, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in applauding the Sandiganbayan conviction of Imelda Marcos over seven counts of graft committed during her 20-year conjugal reign of plunder and oppression with erstwhile dictator Ferdinand Marcos. She must be immediately arrested and incarcerated. With the conviction, the long-standing historical judgment of the […]

On the recent arrest of Vic Ladlad and other NDFP consultants
November 11, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines condemns the recent arrest and incarceration of NDFP consultant Vic Ladlad and his elderly companions based the overused trumped up charges of possessing illegal weapons and explosives. Ladlad’s arrest brings to three the number of consultants the GRP has arrested in the recent months. The other two arrested consultants, […]

Duterte’s foul lies and cruel fascism
November 07, 2018

Over the past weeks, Duterte and his fascist cabal have shamelessly twisted facts in their vile aim to slander the Party and revolutionary movement. This is a desperate attempt to justify ever repressive measures to suppress the people’s resistance to his tyrannical and terrorist reign. First, he ridiculoulsy accused the NPA of being behind the […]

NPA-Sultan Kudarat attacks Philippine Marines
November 07, 2018

Twenty-eight troopers of the Marine Battalion Landing Team 2 (MBLT 2) were killed in offensives by the New People’s Army (NPA)-Sultan Kudarat from September-October. Red fighters ambushed the 3rd Marine Company Reconnaissance Group-Marine Brigade Special Unit in Barangay Batangbagras, Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat last October 14 at 9 a.m. The firefight lasted for 15 minutes during […]