Articles in English

Red tribute to Msgr. Irineo Amantillo, beloved Bishop of the people of Surigao del Sur
October 18, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Northeast Mindanao | Maria Malaya | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines-North Eastern Mindanao Region (NDFP-NEMR) and the entire revolutionary movement in the region, join the people in Surigao del Sur, especially those deprived and oppressed, in their sorrow for the death of beloved bishop Msgr. Ireneo Amantillo, CSsR, D.D. The revolutionary movement in the region renders high red tribute […]

Red Tribute to Msgr. Ireneo Amantillo, Beloved Bishop of the People of Surigao del Sur
October 18, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Northeast Mindanao | Maria Malaya | Spokesperson |

Ka Maria Malaya Spokesperson NDFP-NEMR The National Democratic Front of the Philippines-North Eastern Mindanao Region (NDFP-NEMR) and the entire revolutionary movement in the region, join the people in Surigao del Sur, especially those deprived and oppressed, in their sorrow for the death of beloved bishop Msgr. Ireneo Amantillo, CSsR, D.D. The revolutionary movement in the […]

Condemn the fascist US-Duterte regime & greedy SUMIFRU!
October 17, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Southern Mindanao | Rubi del Mundo | Spokesperson |

RUBI DEL MUNDO Spokesperson NDFP-Southern Mindanao Region The National Democratic Front in Southern Mindanao vehemently condemned the US-Duterte regime for actively conniving and abetting the rapacious stance of the Japanese banana firm Sumitomo Fruits Corp. (SUMIFRU) that brutally dispersed the strike camps of 789 workers of the Nagkahiusang Mamumuo sa Sayupa Farms (NAMASUFA) on October […]

NDFP-Mindanao Conveys Its Solidarity with the Struggle of Filipino Peasants on the Occasion of Peasant Month
October 15, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Mindanao | Joaquin Jacinto | Spokesperson |

 Ka Joaquin Jacinto Spokesperson, NDFP-Mindanao The NDFP-Mindanao is one with the struggle of the Filipino peasantry, especially the poor and middle farmers, in Mindanao, who, along with hapless Filipino workers and other toiling classes in the country, bear the brunt of the current rice crisis, high inflation, military onslaught, and the semi-feudal exploitation and […]

Samar town mayor’s death is vindication for his rape and murder victims – NPA-EV
October 15, 2018 | New People's Army | Eastern Visayas Regional Operational Command (Efren Martires Command) | Karlos Manuel | Spokesperson |

Ka Karlos Manuel Spokesperson, NPA-Efren Martires Command New People’s Army-Eastern Visayas Region The New People’s Army in Eastern Visayas region (Efren Martires Command) claims victory of revolutionary justice over the death of Mr. Ananias Rebato, due to massive cardiac arrest on October 13, Saturday. The former municipal mayor of San Jose de Buan succumbed to […]