Articles in English

Red salute to Ka David and Ka Em-em, revolutionary martyrs
October 13, 2018 | New People's Army | Northeast Mindanao Regional Operational Command | Ariel Montero | Spokesperson |

The Red commanders and fighters, and the entire revolutionary forces of North Eastern Mindanao Region (NEMR), renders its red salute to Kevin “Ka David” A. Banggan, Jimson “Ka Em-Em” C. Pecato and civilian Darwin Tejero – revolutionary martyrs!    Since Ka David and Ka Em-Em joined the New People’s Army, they learned from their revolutionary […]

Red Salute to Ka David and Ka Em-em, Revolutionary Martyrs
October 13, 2018 | New People's Army | Northeast Mindanao Regional Operational Command | Ariel Montero | Spokesperson |

Ka Ariel Montero Spokesperson, Regional Operational Command The Red commanders and fighters, and the entire revolutionary forces of North Eastern Mindanao Region (NEMR), renders its red salute to Kevin “Ka David” A. Banggan, Jimson “Ka Em-Em” C. Pecato and civilian Darwin Tejero – revolutionary martyrs! Since Ka David and Ka Em-Em joined the New People’s […]

AFP's Red October fairy tale is over, but the real struggle to oust US-Duterte regime continues
October 13, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Defense Secretary Lorenzana yesterday made himself look stupid by claiming that the AFP has successfully foiled “Red October,” a “plot” which they themselves invented. This is after several weeks of failing to convince the incredulous public of the existence of a supposed “conspiracy” between various political forces with the CPP to oust Duterte and instead […]

NPA ambushes abusive Davao City Army unit, hitting 9 casualties
October 10, 2018 | New People's Army | Southern Mindanao Regional Operational Command (Merardo Arce Command) | NPA-Mt. Apo Sub-Regional Operational Command |

In desperation to perpetuate itself in power, it is expected that the US-Duterte regime will use all sinister means, not least conspiracy theories, to justify its rising tyranny against the people. As the AFP’s Eastern Mindanao Command tries urgently to whip up hysteria with the regime’s self-concocted Red October plot, the New People’s Army units […]

A comment on Duterte and Mocha Uson
October 10, 2018 | Jose Maria Sison | Founding Chairperson |

After being used up and thrown away as rubbish by her master Duterte, Mocha Uson wants to raise her political stock at the expense of the CPP and NPA which she falsely accuses of wanting to kill her. Such a verbal stunt or fantasy of Mocha will not gain her a seat in the Senate […]