Articles in English

Grave crisis under the US-Marcos dictatorship
September 21, 2018

Forty-six years have passed since the facist US-Marcos regime declared Proclamation 1081 which placed the entire country under martial rule. Halfway through the martial law regime, in 1979, the country fell ignonimously into grave economic and political crisis. Curtailment of civil rights was also pervasive. Amid this, the resistance of the Filipino resolutely surged onward […]

Protest actions against martial law
September 21, 2018

  Protests were held in succession by various sectors in preparation for the 46th year commemoration of martial law declaration on September 21, 1972. In view of this, the Communist Party of the Philippines called on the people to use the lessons in struggle against the dictatorship to overthrow the loathed US-Duterte regime. On September […]

International court finds Duterte and Trump guilty
September 21, 2018

The International People’s Tribunal (IPT) held in Brussels, Belgium on September 19 found Rodrigo Duterte and US President Donald Trump guilty of their fascist crimes against the Filipino people. From September 18, the IPT heard 21 cases filed against the two presidents. Among these are cases of violation of socioeconomic, civil and political rights, and […]

AFP massacres 7 Tausug youth
September 21, 2018

Elements of the Task Group Panther under the command of Lt. Col. Samuel Yunque and the 5th Scout Ranger Battalion led by Capt. Michael Asistores ruthlessly killed seven Tausug youths, ages 18-31, in Kabbon Takas, Patikul, Sulu in the afternoon of September 14. The victims were identified as Makrub Diray, Basirun Hayrani, Mijan Hayrani, Binnajar […]

Hold big mining responsible—Ka­li­ka­san
September 21, 2018

GROUPS KALIKASAN AND Cordillera People’s Alliance are demanding to hold big mining companies responsible for the landslides in Barangay Ucab, Itogon, Benguet during the height of typhoon Ompong last Septembre 15 and in Naga, Cebu on September 20. Latest tallies indicate that around 69 have died while 43 others are still missing after the mass […]