Articles in English

Benguet Corporation and the reactionary government are accountable for the Ucab tragedy
September 20, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

In the aftermath of typhoon Ompong’s wrath, the small-scale miners in Bgy. Ucab, Itogon, Benguet fell victim to a landslide that left more than 40 people dead and more than 60 others still missing. President Duterte as usual goes into doublespeak mode again, saying that all mining operations, small-scale or large-scale should be stopped, but […]

Use lessons in struggle against US-Marcos dictatorship to resist US-Duterte regime
September 20, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Tomorrow, September 21, the Filipino people will mark the declaration of martial law and imposition of open fascist rule by the US-Marcos dictatorship in 1972, nearly fifty years ago. It will always be relevant to recall one of the darkest periods in Philippine history, when more than 70,000 were incarcerated as political dissidents, 34,000 tortured, […]

Achieve historical justice by advancing the people’s war!
September 19, 2018 | Eastern Visayas Regional Operational Command (Efren Martires Command) | NPA-Northern Samar (Rodante Urtal Command) | Amado Pesante | Spokesperson |

Today, September 15, the New People’s Army (NPA) in Northern Samar remembers the martyrs of the infamous Sag-od Massacre who died fighting Marcos despotism. NPA-Rodante Urtal Command vows to exact justice by advancing the people’s war right in front of the impervious faces of Duterte and the Marcoses. Thirty-seven years ago today, the entire village […]

Zubiri and the AFP's development amidst famine, an illusion
September 19, 2018 | New People's Army | North Central Mindanao Regional Operational Command | Malem Mabini | Spokesperson |

Jose Maria Zubiri, provincial Governor of Bukidnon, earlier pronounced that the province will be affected in the country’s undergoing rice crisis. According to him, he is planning to purchase 50,000 sacks of corn grain to be disseminated to the stricken family. These corn, forsooth, are varieties of round-up ready (RR), which are only supposed to […]

Martial law commemoration met with 5 military actions by NPA-NCMR
September 19, 2018 | New People's Army | North Central Mindanao Regional Operational Command | Malem Mabini | Spokesperson |

Emblematic of the continuing revolutionary armed struggle of the people in the region against martial law in Mindanao, five military actions were launched within four days by the New People’s Army – North Central Mindanao Region. These actions were also in tune with the commemoration of the martial law declaration across the country on September […]