Articles in English

Manobos occupy ancestral lands
September 07, 2018

AROUND 3,000 Manobos, led by KASILU (Kaugalingong Sistema Igpasasindog to Lumadnong Ugpaan), simultaneously occupied and cultivated 200 hectares of land in Barangay Cawayan, San Fernando, Bukidnon last September 4. The land is being claimed by Paquet Albona, Toto Espidoza and Bennie Elumba. It has been five decades since the Manobo’s ancestral lands were taken from […]

Indian fascist troops massacre civilians
September 07, 2018

  Fifteen civilians were massacred by Indian police on August 6 in the village of Nulkatong in the town of Sukma, Chattisgarf. To cover up its crime, police claimed that the civilians were armed and members of the people’s militia of the Communist Party of India-Maoist. Families and villagemates of the victims denied this claim. […]

GRP manipulates rice and food crisis to push all-out liberalization
September 07, 2018

Filipinos are currently tightening their belts amid galloping inflation and dominant control of big capitalists over rice, fish and other staple food supply despite the Philippines being an agricultural country. Based on data by the reactionary government, the average retail price of rice increased by 10% since 2017. Last month, Zamboanga City was compelled to […]

Progressive Colombian groups unite
September 07, 2018

FIVE COLOMBIAN PROGRESSIVE groups converged last August 10-11 to establish a united democratic and anti-imperialist front under the Inter­na­tio­nal Lea­gue of Peop­les’ Struggle (ILPS). According to Prof. Jose Ma. Sison, chairperson of the ILPS’ International Coordinating Committee, the assembly’s theme for social justice is timely and apt especially after the FARC (Fuerza Arma­da Revo­lucio­na­rio de […]

Workers march to Mendiola
September 07, 2018

  VARIOUS UNIONS AND workers’ associations, alongside church people held a “Workers’ March” at Mendiola Bridge in Manila last August 27. They called for the end of contractualization and to fight against the worsening economic conditions of workers and the people. Thousands from around 20 organizations participated in the march led by Kilusang Mayo Uno […]