Articles in English

The rapidly worsening economic crisis
September 07, 2018

The crisis of the people’s livelihood and decline of the backward Philippine economy is exarcebating. The people are subjected to increasingly worse forms of oppression and exploitation under neoliberal policies which serve local and foreign big capitalists, landlords and bureaucrat capitalists. Since the start of the year, prices of food and other basic necessities have […]

Junk the fake OLBARMM, join the NPA!—MRLO
September 07, 2018

  The Moro Resistansce and Liberation Organization (MRLO) vigorously condemned the recently enacted Bangsamoro Organic Law, otherwise known as the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (OLBARMM). The group said that OLBARMM is being used as an instrument by the US-Duterte regime to crush the Moro people’s struggle even as the […]

Strive to frustrate the brutal Oplan Kapayapaan
September 07, 2018

In 2017, Duterte and the AFP pompously declared they will crush the New People’s Army (NPA) before the end of 2018 under Oplan Kapayapaan. Such is more ambitious than the AFP’s miserably failed “reduce to insignificance” declaration repeatedly proclaimed under Oplan Bayanihan (2011-2016) during the previous Aquino. But like all previous counter-revolutionary wars of suppression […]

Arrest Trillanes order show Duterte's despotism
September 07, 2018 | CPP Information Bureau |

Duterte bared his Marcosian despotic fangs in ordering the arrest of his vociferous critic Sen. Antonio Trillanes. He abused his power and trampled on the legal processes of his own government. His assault against Trillanes satisfies his desire for vengeance. As well as that of Gloria Arroyo’s. By ordering the AFP to carry out his […]

Military and police rampage across the archipelago
September 07, 2018

  Three members of a peasant organization in Compostela Valley were successively killed by state agents this August amid the continuing terror of Mindanao martial law. In other parts of the country, other military and police units also rule with terror. Killings. In Compostela Valley, elements of the 66th IB shot and killed on August […]