Articles in English

Reject Marcos "Bagong Pilipinas" indoctrination and deception campaign
June 11, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Filipino people and their revolutionary forces reject and oppose the indoctrination and grand deception campaign of the US-Marcos fascist regime. This campaign is contained in Marcos’ recent order to recite a pledge and sing a hymn dedicated to his false conception of a “Bagong Pilipinas.” The “Bagong Pilipinas” indoctrination campaign is no different from […]

Oppose US-instigated Marcos war-mongering and provocations
June 11, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) strongly condemns the US-Marcos regime for its incessant war-mongering which have resulted in heightened tensions with China. The Party condemns Marcos for recent statements pertaining to China as a threat to the country’s freedom, and speculating on possible scenarios which he considers “acts of war.” Acting at the […]

Collectively demand for just compensation, end to state terrorism amid natural calamities
June 08, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Maoche Legislador | Spokesperson |

The Apolinario Gatmaitan Command-New People’s Army Negros Island Regional Operations Command (AGC-NPA) calls on all NPA units and revolutionary forces throughout the island to show its collective action to support Negrosanons affected by the eruption of Mt. Kanlaon last June 3 and the lahars in the following days. All guerrilla fronts are tasked to lead […]

US imperialism is no friend of the Filipino people
June 07, 2024

Grand pronouncements of being a “friend, partner and ally” or its “ironclad commitment” to “defend the Philippines” are all part of US schemes to manipulate the minds of the Filipino people. At various stages during the past history of more than one hundred years, the US has repeatedly claimed to be on the side of […]

NPA-Western Samar seizes R4 rifle in ambush
June 07, 2024

Red fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Western Samar (Arnulfo Ortiz Command) seized an R4 rifle when it ambushed elements of the 3rd IB in Barangay Gayondato, San Jorge, Western Samar, at 9 a.m. on May 14. The offensive killed Cpl. Reycon Remedio and injured another soldier. The report said 3rd IB soldiers went out […]