Articles in English

Justice for the Fausto family! Justice for all the victims of state-sponsored killings!
June 14, 2024 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Negros Island | Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid-South Central Negros |

June 14, 2023 was marked by heavy bloodshed when the supposed peaceful sleep of the Fausto family and their neighbors were interrupted by deafening gunshots. At around 11 pm, Roly Fausto and Merlinda Fausto, including their two children, 15-year-old Ben and 12-year-old Ravin, were mercilessly massacred by the 94th Infantry Battalion and a CAFGU unit […]

Sa Tunga sang Kalamidad sa Paglupok sang Bulkan Kanlaon, 62nd IB Padayon nga Nagapanglusob sa mga Komunidad sang Mangunguma sa Central Negros
June 14, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command) | JB Regalado | Spokesperson |

Padayon nga nagabayolar sang tawhanon nga kinamatarung ang berdugong tropa sang 62nd IB sa mga mangunguma sang Central Negros. Kapin sa pito ka kolum nga naglab-ot sa 150 ka tropa sang pasistang tropa ang nagapanglusob sa mga komunidad sang mga mangunguma sa Guihulngan City kag Canlaon City sa Negros Oriental kag banwa sang Moises Padilla […]

On the IPT 2024
June 13, 2024 |

The International Peoples Tribunal 2024 is a quasi-judicial forum that aims to investigate and address alleged war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law committed by the US-supported Marcos Jr. and Duterte regimes. The IPT 2024 follows a long history of peoples’ tribunals that have shaped international public opinion and tried various regimes on crimes […]

Genuine Freedom and Democracy lie with the people: Continue to seize the power and win the National Democratic Revolution with a Socialist Perspective!
June 12, 2024 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

On the 126th celebration of the sham Independence Day of the Philippines on June 12, the country has never come close to genuine freedom and independence. History has taught us that a hundred years of subjugation under Spain, Japan, and the imperialist US has brought our country to its knees, but it has also taught […]

(Primer) International People’s Tribunal: Seeking Accountability for War Crimes against the Filipino people
June 12, 2024 |

DOWNLOAD We are publishing this question and answer primer to explain the key findings, evidence and proceedings of the International People’s Tribunal on War Crimes in the Philippines. Convened in May 2024 in Brussels, Belgium, the tribunal addressed serious allegations of war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) committed in the Philippines. The […]