Articles in English

On DND order suspending joint exercises, patrols with US
October 09, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The CPP welcomes Defense Secretary Lorenzana’s announcement that the Duterte government has already formally informed the US government and military about ending joint sea patrols and joint military exercises. The CPP also welcomes his announcement that American troops based in Zamboanga involved in electronic surveillance operations will be asked to leave after the Philippines acquire […]

On the US #FriendsAlliesPartners hype
October 09, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Over the past days, the US embassy has been hyping up the #FriendsAlliesPartners social media campaign. In doing so, the US is revealing itself to be hypocrites extraordinaire. US “assistance” has never been without strings or conditions attached. They hype their Yolanda assistance much unlike the rest of the world who extended without asking for […]

Tasks after 100 days under Duterte
October 07, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

A hundred days into the Duterte regime, the situation now exists allowing the forging of a patriotic alliance between his anti-US regime and the revolutionary and patriotic forces. Towards this, both sides must work hard in peace negotiations to forge a common program. At the same time, mass struggles must be carried forward to convince […]

CPP denounces the US’ thinly-veiled threats against Duterte; calls for urgent EDCA abrogation Information Bureau
October 03, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces US officials for continuing to issue thinly-veiled threats against GRP President Duterte. At the same time, the CPP urged Duterte to follow through with his statement that he might just abrogate the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) in the face of continued meddling by the US government […]

On the passing away of Sen. Mirriam Defensor-Santiago
September 29, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its sympathies to the family, relatives, friends and colleagues of Sen. Mirriam Defensor-Santiago who passed away this morning. The Filipino people will remember Sen. Santiago for her crusade against corruption. She enjoyed broad support among the people and youth because of her rejection of the rotten politics […]