Condemn Duterte's murderous spree

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is outraged over the six successive murders in the Bicol region over the past days since June 9. Among those killed are farmers, social activists and human rights workers. The Party holds the Duterte regime, its military and police forces and death squads responsible for these murders.

Coinciding with the killing spree in Bicol, military agents also shot dead a peasant leader in San Fernando, Bukidnon last June 16.

In Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, military troops under the 4th IB torched huts in Mangyan communities last June 13.

Military and police forces and death squads continue to carry out these murders and other abuses with impunity under Duterte’s National Task Force. He has exhorted his fascist troops to disregard human rights and carry out his orders.

Duterte has imposed martial law in Mindanao since 2017. He has also placed Bicol, Negros and Samar under de facto military rule through Memorandum Circular 32.

The CPP urges the families and friends of all victims of military and police abuses across the country to unite and hold the regime accountable and demand justice. They can link up with advocates and defenders of human rights and draw the support of the international community.

Those who are under threat of murder by the regime’s death squads can seek refuge in the revolutionary base areas of the New People’s Army.

Condemn Duterte's murderous spree