CPP has no "hit list"

National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon Jr.’s hype of an alleged “NPA hit list” only aims to sow intrigue in order to sabotage the planned resumption of formal peace talks.

Together with fellow peace antagonists Delfin Lorenzana of the Department of National Defense and DILG’s Eduardo Año, Esperon is adamant in adhering to GRP President Rodrigo Duterte’s statement to resume the peace negotiations with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.

On the other hand, it is in fact the AFP and PNP who keep in their infamous “orders of battle” names of activists, progressives and other individuals supportive of the people’s struggles for democratic rights. It is the regime’s death squads in the military and police who have killed close to 300 peasants, workers, indigenous peoples, human rights workers, journalists, lawyers and other democratic forces in the last three years.

Last week alone in Laak, Compostela Valley, farmer Paterno Casos Sr. and his son Dino were mercilessly killed by the 1001st Brigade’s death squads. The elder Casos was in his senior age while his son was an amputee on crutches. Their bodies bore signs of torture and gunshots.

As AFP Chief of Staff of the Arroyo regime, Esperon employed these death squads with impunity. Now being Duterte’s national security adviser, he has extended their vicious campaign of murder.

While the NPA keeps no “hit list” supposedly with Esperon’s name in it, the people will not fail to remember his many crimes and may seek justice with their revolutionary army.

CPP has no "hit list"