Minute of silence for the Filipino comrades in Rojava


Dear comrades,

Today, the Revolutionary Communist Movement (TKŞ) hosted a symposium in Rojava entitled “Long live May Day against capitalist exploitation and occupation”.

The symposium started with a moment of silence for the martyrs of revolution, for Ka Laan, Chairman of the CPP Executive Committee, General Secretary Ka Bagong-Tao and 8 red fighters. A picture of both leading comrades was presented at the symposium.

The opening speech was made by Fadya Sîdo on behalf of TKŞ. Emphasizing the importance of workers’ unity for the proletariat in the world, Fadya Sîdo expressed the role of class struggle in the overthrow of capitalism.

The symposium discussed the questions “What are the gains of the working class in the revolution” & “What should we do to protect & develop our achievements”.

Concerning the statement of the HBDH which was signed with “HBDH YK”
YK does mean Executive Committee, so the statement was written by the HBDH Executive Committee.

Total members of The Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement are:
Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist (TKEP/L)
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist (TKP-ML)
Devrimci Karargâh (DK)
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)
Maoist Communist Party (MKP)
Marxist–Leninist Communist Party (MLKP)
People’s Liberation Party-Front of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist Armed Propaganda Union (THKP-C/MLSPB)
Revolutionary Communard Party (DKP)
Revolutionary Communist League of Turkey (TİKB)

Comradely Greetings!

Minute of silence for the Filipino comrades in Rojava