NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC of the NPA-Eastern Visayas against certain individuals misrepresenting the revolutionary movement

This is to inform the public that REY JOSIAH ECHANO and ELADIO PERFECTO have no affiliation whatsoever with the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army and National Democratic Front of the Philippines in the Eastern Visayas Region. Any transaction by them purporting to have the official approval of the revolutionary movement is therefore misrepresentation and with malicious intent.

It has come to the knowledge of the revolutionary movement that Echano and Perfecto, who are paid hacks of the Ong political dynasty in Northern Samar, have invoked the name of the revolutionary movement in the Eastern Visayas Region in their activities including on social media. They have done so to further the corrupt, anti-people and counterrevolutionary interests of their political masters in the Ong dynasty, and despite the advice and warnings communicated to them from the revolutionary movement.

From now on, anyone who have been misled or harmed by the activities of Echano and Perfecto can therefore file appropriate charges in the people’s court and seek to bring them to justice.

Ka Karlos Manuel
Efren Martires Command
New People’s Army-Eastern Visayas Region

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC of the NPA-Eastern Visayas against certain individuals misrepresenting the revolutionary movement