Archive of Statements

Dili lehitimong engkwentro, nag-medikal misyon ang NPA dihang naglunsad ang AFP og naghingaping pangatake gikan sa kahanginan - NDFP-NCMR
June 03, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-North Central Mindanao | Cesar Renerio | Spokesperson |

Ang National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) sa North Central Mindanao Region nagkundena sa pinakabug-at nga termino sa gihulagway niining “overkill” nga atake sa mga tropa sa 23rd Infantry Battalion ubos sa 402nd Brigade sa Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) sa usa ka yunit sa New People’s Army nga naglunsad og medical mission […]

Not a legit encounter, NPA on medical mission when AFP launched excessive aerial attack – NDFP-NCMR
June 03, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-North Central Mindanao | Cesar Renerio | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in North Central Mindanao Region condemned in strongest terms what it described as an “overkill” attack by troops of the 23rd Infantry Battalion under the 402nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on a New People’s Army unit conducting a medical mission in light […]

On the "suspension of VFA termination"
June 03, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

In an act of diplomatic acrobatics, the Philippine government yesterday announced it has notified the US of a six month “suspension of the termination” of the Visiting Forces Agreement, which can be further extended by another six months, which puts the abrogation of the military agreement on indefinite hold. This step was undertaken by the […]

NPA-Panay angot sa anti-terror law sang rehimeng US-Duterte
June 02, 2020 | New People's Army | Panay Regional Operational Command | Julio Montana | Spokesperson |

Nagasala ang militaristang gobyerno ni Duterte sa pagpugong sa akig sang gutom nga pumuluyong Pilipino. Sa pagdali-dali sang anti-terror law, athag nga tuyo sang kontra-imol kag mapintas nga gobyernong Duterte nga lubos nga pahipuson ang pumuluyo nga biktima sang iya kriminal nga pagpatumbaya. Indi matago ni Duterte ang kapaltahan sang iya militarista nga pamaagi sa […]

Dugang Naman nga mga Biktima sang Kapintas sang 61st IB kag 12th IB
June 02, 2020 | New People's Army | Panay Regional Operational Command | NPA-Southern Panay | NPA-Front Eleven (Mt. Napulak Command) | Ilaya Kanaway | Spokesperson |

Nadugangan naman ang listahan sang pagpang-abuso sang 61st IB kag 12th IB PA sa isla sang Panay. Sa Sityo Takas, Brgy. Bagay, Igbaras, Iloilo, sadtong Mayo 11, 2020, alas 12 sa udto, ginsakit nila si John Mark Esapol, 32 anyos kag ginpisa-pisa interogar si Waldo Odango Jr., 46 anyos. Lunsay sila mga sibilyan nga mangunguma […]

NDF-EV condemns killing of peasant, urban poor activists
June 02, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas strongly condemns the extrajudicial killing of urban poor activist Carlito Badion and peasant activist Allan Aguinaldo by suspected state agents last week. “The Armed Forces of the Philippines have hunted down Badion and Aguinaldo for years,” said Fr. Ka Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas, spokesperson for the NDF-EV. “We have reason […]

Anti-Terror Law will push people to join the NPA in numbers
June 02, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) pointed out on Tuesday that the Duterte regime’s Anti-Terror Law will fail to stop the growth of the revolutionary armed struggle and instead will likely fuel the further growth of the New People’s Army (NPA). “In the same way that Marcos’ 1972 martial law shut all avenues for […]

On the anti-terror law of the US-Duterte regime -- NPA-Panay
June 02, 2020 | New People's Army | Panay Regional Operational Command | Julio Montana | Spokesperson |

  The militarist Duterte government is in frenzy to stop the anger of hungry Filipinos. The railroading of the anti-terror law clearly shows the intention of the anti-poor and fascist government to silence the poor who are victims of Duterteís criminal negligence. Duterte cannot hide the failure of his militarist solution to the Covid19. The […]

Denounce brutal suppression of US protests against racism and fascism! Support and draw inspiration from the American people's mass protest actions!
June 02, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the American people in condemning US President Donald Trump for ordering the mobilization of police and national guard forces to “dominate and crush” mass protest actions currently sweeping across the United States. He has denounced the mass actions and organizations and threatened to “designate” them as “terrorists.” […]

Fight Duterte's pandemic borrowing binge that will aggravate people’s plight
June 01, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

[UPDATED] The debt-addict Duterte regime is exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic to obtain onerous foreign loans under the guise of stimulating the economy and providing emergency relief. In just three months, the regime has already accumulated a total of $5.5 billion (P275 billion) in foreign loans primarily from imperialist lenders. These loans are bound to further […]