Justice for Randy Ma­la­yao


IN COMMEMORATION OF Randy Fe­lix Ma­la­yao’s first death annivesary last January 30, activists and his relatives protested in front of Camp Melchor de­la Cruz of the 5th ID in Ga­mu, Isa­be­la to demand justice. Malayao was a consultant of the Na­tio­nal De­mocra­tic Front of the Phi­lip­pi­nes.

Military and police forces violently dispersed the protesters. To distract the program, they parked a truck and an ambulance beside the protesters and honked at them.

Before the program, the group offered mass at the grave of Ma­la­yao in San Pab­lo, Isa­be­la.

Malayao was killed in a bus on pitstop at Ari­tao, Nueva Vizca­ya on January 30, 2019.

Justice for Randy Ma­la­yao