Military arrests CPA founder


ANNE MARGARET Tau­li, 70, was arrested by military elements in Be­sao, Moun­ta­in Province and flown by helicopter to Baguio to face Na­tio­nal Secu­rity Advi­ser Sec. Her­mo­ge­nes Espe­ron, Jr. on June 11.

Esperon made it appear that Tauli “surrendered” and “returned to the folds of the law.” He accused her of being a ranking member of the Communist Party of the Philippines, a claim which her relatives belied.

They said that Tauli has long been receiving death threats for advocating for participating in mass campaigns to advance the right of the Igo­rot people to autonomy and self-determination. Earlier in March, state elements attempted to arrest her. There were also reports of a shoot-to-kill order against her.

Tauli, a former teacher, was one of the founders of the Cor­dil­le­ra Peop­le’s Alli­ance (CPA) in 1984. She is a leader of the Ba­til-ang Pey­pe­yan clan. Her sister, former UN Special Rap­por­te­ur on the Rights of Indi­ge­no­us Peop­les Victo­ria Tau­li-Cor­puz, was also accused of being a ranking CPP official.

Military arrests CPA founder