NPA strikes at soldiers occupying Mangyan communities


THE NEW PEOPLE’S Army (NPA)-Mindoro mounted successive offensives against the Philippines National Police and fascist troopers of the 4th and 76th IB last month. Six harassment operations were launched in Man­sa­lay, Bu­la­lacao, Socor­ro ng Ori­en­tal Min­do­ro and Rizal, Occi­den­tal Min­do­ro from Ma­y 6-18. A soldier was killed and seven others were killed in the attacks.

The offensives were mounted in response to complaints of peasants and Mangyans in the town of Rizal and Ca­lin­ta­an who were forced to evacuate due to the military’s combat operations in their community on the first week of May. More than 600 military elements were deployed in the area. They also installed artillery cannons in Rizal.

In Neg­ros Ori­en­tal, the NPA punished a CAFGU element in Ba­ra­ngay Luz, Gui­hul­ngan City last June 11. The CAFGU member helped guide 62nd IB operations and actively participated in Oplan Sauron attacks wherein scores of peasant masses were illegally arrested and killed.

On June 16, two intelligence agents of the 94th IB were also attacked by the NPA in Himamaylan City. The two are notorious for tagging civilians as “NPA supporters.” On the same day, the NPA successively mounted two harassment soldiers against operating soldiers in barangays Mahalang and Buenavista.

In Pa­la­wan, another NPA unit blasted a detachment of the 3rd Ma­ri­ne Bri­ga­de in Ba­ra­ngay Ma­ga­ra, Roxas on Ma­y 22.

NPA strikes at soldiers occupying Mangyan communities