Forces celebrate 50th NDFP anniversary

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Democratic and revolutionary mass organizations mounted celebrations and assemblies across the country and even overseas to mark the 50th anniversary of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) last April 24. Concurrently, various groups paid tribute to martyrs of the Philippine revolution during the Week to Remember and Pay Tribute to Heroes and Martyrs of the Philippine Revolution on April 17-24, which will henceforth be held annually.

Tribute to Ka Laan and Ka Bagong-tao

Units of the New People’s Army (NPA) silently conducted a 21-gun salute, in compliance to orders by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the NPA’s National Operational Command, to pay tribute and give respects to Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan), deceased Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee, and Wilma Austria-Tiamzon (Ka Bagong-tao), General Secretary of the Party.

Red commanders and fighters read and discussed the tribute to Ka Laan and Ka Bagong-tao issued by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. The tribute discussed the revolutionary beginnings of the Tiamzons, their contributions and exemplary leadership of the Party over the past decades.

Based on initial reports received by Ang Bayan, units of the NPA in Central Luzon, Southern Tagalog, Bicol, Panay, Negros, North Central Mindanao at Northeastern Mindanao conducted the 21-gun salute.

Allied organizations of the NDFP also paid tribute to Ka Laan and Ka Bagong-tao. Chapters of the Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan, Cordillera People’s Democratic Front, Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid, Liga ng Agham para sa Bayan, Pambansang Samahan ng Makabayang Tsuper, Katipunan ng mga Samahang Manggagawa, Compatriots, Kabataang Makabayan, Christians for National Liberation and other groups issued their statements.

Various organizations and parties in Ireland, China, Turkey, Palestine, Paris, Rojava, Germany, Switzerland expressed sympathies and paid tribute. Some of them also held meetings to honor Ka Laan and Ka Bagong-tao.

On April 24, national democratic organizations under the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) held a program to give tribute to Ka Laan and Ka Bagong-tao and all martyrs of the Philippine revolution over the past five decades. Around 1,200 joined the program held within the University of the Philippines-Diliman in Quezon City.

Other assemblies and activities

In addition to assemblies of the masses and fighters within guerrilla fronts, and secret gatherings of the members of underground revolutionary organizations in the Philippines, a two-day activity was also held by the NDFP at the Kurdish Democratic People’s Center in The Hague, The Netherlands from April 22 to 23.

During the meeting, Julie de Lima, the Interim Chairperson of the NDFP Negotiating Panel discussed the growth of the NDFP from its establishment just a few months after the declaration of martial law. Friends of the Philippine revolution in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Spain, France Kurdistan, Turkey, Palestine, China, the US, Canada, Asia-Pacific, Korea, New Zealand, Colombia and Eritrea attended the assembly.

Around 80 migrants belonging to the NDFP-Australia and other supportive organizations assembled to celebrate the golden anniversary.

Meanwhile, a lightning protest was held on April 17 at EDSA in Cubao, Quezon City by around 300 members of the NDFP to celebrate its 50th anniversary. They held a program at around 8 a.m. at the Cubao Rotunda.

Chapters and allied organizations of the NDFP launched wide slogan painting and postering operations in various parts of the country to uphold the NDFP’s golden anniversary and its 12-Point Program.

Forces celebrate 50th NDFP anniversary