FFPS launches second general assembly

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This article is available in Pilipino

The Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS) launched on June 20 its second general assembly with the theme “Ignite and spread the flames of solidarity for the Philippine revolution across the world.” The group considered this an important activity because it is the first time its members from all corners of the world held an in-person meeting.

The FFPS communiqué issued on July 18 reported that 43 delegates from its 15 member organizations, 57 observers and three guest speakers participated in the assembly. Ka Juliet de Lima and Coni Ledesma from the negotiating panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) were among the speakers.

“Overall, the successful convening of our … general assembly is a testimony both of the growth and continued maturing of FFPS as well as the commitment of all of its members to continue strengthening our work for the Philippine revolution,” according to the group.

FFPS discussed at the assembly its experiences in the past three years, since its establishment in 2021. FFPS developed its new General Program of Action for 2024-2027. The program contained more efforts to provide all-rounded support to the NDFP and the Philippine revolution.

The program also set the need to help expose the enemies of the Filipino people, including the Marcos regime and the former Duterte regime. The FFPS will also strengthen their alliance and solidarity work with other groups to garner support for the Philippine revolution.

In the first half of 2024, FFPS reported that it was able to establish and recruit five new member organizations for FFPS. The assembly is united in the goal of doubling the membership of the group in the next three years.

The assembly also approved the proposal of its former liaison committee for the organization join the International League of Peoples’ Struggle to forge solidarity with other anti-imperialist organizations worldwide.

New members of the group’s coordinating committee were also appointed at the assembly. Robert Reid was re-elected as FFPS chairman while Eevee Garcia was re-appointed as its global coordinator who will convene the group’s Global Secretariat.

“The assembly will serve as an important opportunity for unity and morale,” according to FFPS. The organization challenged its members to follow and match the courage of the struggling people in the Philippines and all those who are at the forefront of the struggle against imperialism.

“Let us continue to strengthen and consolidate our organization to be able to support the advance of the Philippine revolution all-roundedly through all forms – moral, political and material support. Let us be true Friends of the Filipino people, by struggling side by side with them and fully supporting their struggles for their rights, including their collective rights to self-determination and liberation!” the FFPS concluded.

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army congratulated and saluted the successful FFPS assembly.

AB: FFPS launches second general assembly