Humanitarian groups deride "hypocritical" US food drops in Gaza

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Humanitarian groups derided the March 2 US airdrop of food in Gaza. In cooperation with the state of Jordan, Joseph Biden’s regime ordered the dropping of a meager 66 food containers with 38,000 cooked meals in communities along the Gaza Strip.

The food drop was conducted a day after the “flour massacre” by Israeli forces who opened fire killing 112 North Gaza Palestinians queuing for flour. The people of Gaza have suffered unparalleled brutality and starvation caused by the Zionist Israel’s genocide which is supported, funded and armed by the US.

“The airdrops are symbolic and only aim to appease the local base (of the American state,)” according to a former USAID official in the West Bank. He said what Gaza needs is for Isreal to open the borders it closed and allow the entry of trucks carrying food.

“Unhelpful” and “deeply degrading” to the Palestinians, was how Oxfam described the meager aid which the US seeme to just threw from the air without proper plans for distribution. This action “only serves to ease the conscience of US officials who themselves push policies that exacerbate ongoing atrocities and the threat of starvation in Gaza,” according to the group.

“Airdrops do not help alleviate the suffering (in Gaza), and they only take time and resources away from solutions that have been proven effective and more comprehensive,” according to the International Rescue Committee. All efforts must be focused on ending Israel’s attack on Gaza, it said.

The food drop is a deliberate insult amid the US obstructing all efforts to push Israel to enter into a ceasefire and to let in trucks carrying food and medicine that have been blocked by Israeli forces. Currently, at least 2,000 such trucks are waiting at the borders of Gaza.

According to the United Nations, 570,000 people in Gaza are on the brink of starvation.

AB: Humanitarian groups deride "hypocritical" US food drops in Gaza