NPA-Kalinga demands rights for captured NPA-Kalinga wounded fighters

This article is available in Pilipino

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Kalinga (Lejo Cawilan Command) demanded the 503rd IBde to uphold the rights of Gap-iden Bawit (Ka Simple), a wounded Red fighter who was captured in Barangay Balantoy, Balbalan, Kalinga on June 6.

“His right as hors de combat must be respected,” Ka Tipon Tipon Gil-ayab, spokesperson of the provincial people’s army, said.

The people’s army denied the statement of the 54th IB, a unit under the 503rd IBde, that the NPA “just left” Bawit behind. The unit said the people’s army medics treated him after the encounter and released him to the community to be taken to the hospital.

The soldiers charged Bawit with attempted and frustrated murder charges.

The Cordillera Human Rights Alliance (CHRA) earlier insisted that the 54th IB should follow the provisions of international humanitarian law regarding prisoners of war. The group stressed on giving Bawit humane treatment and a fair trial.

AB: NPA-Kalinga demands rights for captured NPA-Kalinga wounded fighters