
NPA-North Central Mindanao armed actions kill 6 AFP soldiers

At least six Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) soldiers were killed in the attack and active defense by units of the New People’s Army (NPA)-North Central Mindanao in March and July, the March-July issue of Ang Kalihukan, the region’s revolutionary mass newspaper, reported. Meanwhile, 12 were recorded injured in these armed actions.

On July 5, the NPA opened fire on AFP troopers operating in Barangay Manalog, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. Meanwhile on March 6, the Red fighters first opened fire against the attacking troopers of the 8th IB and Special Forces Battalion at an NPA camp in Barangay Indalasa in the same city. Two soldiers were killed in this encounter.

In Lanao del Sur, the NPA thwarted an AFP attack on their camp at Haluan Creek on the border of Maguing and Bumbaran towns on March 11. Red fighters were able to maneuver and launch a counter-attack against the fascist soldiers.

On the morning of March 18, an NPA unit encamped in the 128th BIAF Base Camp, Sitio Talid-talid, Dominorog, Talakag, Bukidnon was able to defend against attacking AFP soldiers. They bravely fought and maneuvered to safety.

AB: NPA-North Central Mindanao armed actions kill 6 AFP soldiers