Philippines, still one of the worst for workers

This article is available in Pilipino

The Philippines remains one of the most dangerous countries for workers in the year 2024. For the eighth year, it remains in the top 10 worst countries for workers. In the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Global Rights Index 2024, the Philippines’ retained its “5” grade, meaning the basic labor rights are lacking.

“Workers and unions in the Philippines remained at the mercy of red tagging, violence, abductions and arbitrary arrests,” the ITUC declared in its recent report. The government fostered a climate of fear and persecution, silencing the collective voice of workers. Workers across many sectors still faced significant obstacles when attempting to form trade unions.”

The ITUC report highlighted the murder of Alex Dolorosa, BPO Industry Employee Network (BIEN) organizer, and Jude Ferrnandez, veteran KMU organizer.

The situation of workers worldwide is deteriorating in all aspects: their wages, working conditions and benefits and rights. In the ITUC report, the right to expression and free assembly are repressed in 43% (65) of the countries covered by its study (151), up from 42% in 2023. Those with violent records include Argentina and Zimbabwe.

Unionizing is hampered in 74% of countries surveyed, and the arrest and detention of workers was recorded in 74 countries. The right to strike is violated in 87% of countries. In 75% of the countries studied, workers are denied the right to organize or join a union. The majority (75%) of countries still violate the right to collective bargaining or negotiation, the same as last year. Also, 65% of workers remain without access to justice. In 44 countries, workers suffer various forms of violent attacks.

Aside from the Philippines, the “Top 10” worst countries are Bangladesh, Belarus, Ecuador, Egypt, Eswatini, Guatemala, Myanmar, Tunisia, and Turkey.

AB: Philippines, still one of the worst for workers