Archive of Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer

Kundenahon ang doble nga pagpatay sa may edad nga mga NDFP peace consultant sa Visayas
May 29, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Read in: English Ginakundenar sang labing mabaskog sang Partido Komunista sang Pilipinas (PKP) ang Philippine National Police (PNP) kag ang Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) sa koordinado nga mga pagpatay sang nagligad nga gab-i sa mga peace consultant sang National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) para sa rehiyon sang Visayas. Si Reynaldo Bocala, […]

NTF-ELCAC’s “persona non grata” resolutions are meaningless
May 25, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

For more than three years now, the military, police and Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) have campaigned to have local government units (LGUs) to secure resolutions declaring the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People’s Army (NPA) as “persona non grata.” Yesterday, the DILG bragged that 84% of all 1,715 […]

CHED deserves strongest rebuke for pushing "flexible learning" as new norm
May 25, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Filipino students and youth are fully justified when they raised a howl of protest against the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) that the school system will not return to face-to-face classes. The other day, CHED Chairman Prospero de Vera III declared that “From now on, flexible learning will be the norm. There is no going […]

Four alleged members of “NPA hit squad” were summarily executed
May 24, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Four members of a so-called “NPA hit squad” who died during a raid in Barangay Macabling, Sta. Rosa, Laguna on May 21 were not killed in a “shootout” contrary to the claims of the police and the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC). An initial fact-finding investigation conducted by Karapatan Southern […]

On 4th anniversary of the bombing of Marawi
May 23, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Party and revolutionary forces extend greetings of solidarity to the Moro people, especially the people of Marawi City, on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Duterte regime’s terrorist war and bombing of Marawi. We sympathize with the people of Marawi, more than 320,000 of whom remain in evacuation centers. They remain homeless […]

Ka Joma et al are not in UN Security Council’s list
May 17, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Gen. Hermogenes Esperon is misleading the public in his repeated claims that Prof. Jose Ma. Sison and the peace consultants of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) are in the “terrorist listing” of the United Nations Security Council. A visit to United Nations Security Council Consolidated List webpage ( will show that neither Ka Joma, […]

Appointment of NTF-ELCAC spokespersons polarizes PH society
May 14, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Not only did the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) rebuke public clamor to remove Gen. Antonio Parlade and Lorraine Badoy as its spokespersons, it even appointed six other people to serve as mouthpieces. Not satisfied, the NTF-ELCAC announced it will appoint more. By appointing more and more spokespersons to push the […]

Denounce and reject ATC vilification of revolutionaries as “terrorists”
May 13, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces and rejects the “designation” by the “Anti-Terrorist Council” (ATC) of 19 supposed “leaders” of the CPP as “terrorists.” This is clearly an act in accordance with the diktat of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) and Duterte himself. The ATC claimed that […]

Message to Filipino Muslims on Eid’l Fitr
May 13, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

On this occasion, we extend our support to the continuing struggle of the Moro people for genuine self-determination and to end national oppression.

With elections nearing, NTF-ELCAC is hungry for funds
May 06, 2021 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

With the 2022 elections just a year away, Duterte’s favorite generals in the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) are determined to keep the anomalous funds of the Barangay Development Program in their aim to impose the military’s political influence in several hundred barangays. Officers of the NTF-ELCAC are making up […]