Archive of Articles

Pa­lig­sa­han sa pag­pa­pa­ra­mi ng ar­mas nuk­le­yar, mu­ling ii­nit
May 07, 2019

Tiyak na muling iinit ang pa­lig­sa­han ng US at Rus­sia sa pro­duk­syon at pag­ga­mit ng ar­mas nuk­le­yar ma­ta­pos ia­nun­syo ni Do­nald Trump, pre­si­den­te ng US, ang po­sib­leng pag-at­ras ng ban­sa sa Inter­me­dia­te-Ra­nge Nucle­ar Force Tre­aty (INF) noong Peb­re­ro 2. Ka­pag iti­nu­loy ni Trump ang pag-at­ras, ku­sang ma­wa­wa­lan ng bi­sa sa US ang na­tu­rang tra­ta­do sa […]

Gaza, mu­ling inaatake ng Isra­el
May 07, 2019

Umabot na sa 19 Pa­les­ti­no ang na­pa­tay sa mga pam­bo­bom­ba ng Isra­el sa re­si­den­syal na ba­ha­gi ng Gaza sa loob ng da­la­wang araw ni­tong Ma­yo. Ka­bi­lang di­to ang isang bun­tis at isang apat na bu­wang sang­gol. Ang pam­bo­bom­ba ay sa­got ng Isra­el sa ilang ata­ke na ini­lun­sad ng Ha­mas sa mga pwer­sang pan­se­gu­ri­dad ng Isra­el. […]

Pa­ngat­long ku­de­ta la­ban kay Ma­du­ro, bi­go pa rin
May 07, 2019

Muling nabigo ang tang­kang ku­de­ta pa­ra pa­tal­si­kin si Nico­las Ma­du­ro, pre­si­den­te ng Ve­nezue­la, ng mga pwer­sang ma­ka-o­li­gar­ki­ya at ma­ka-US noong Abril 29. Pa­ngat­long tang­ka na ito sa na­ka­ra­ang li­mang bu­wan la­mang. Isang araw ba­go ni­to, na­na­wa­gan si Juan Guia­do, na idi­nek­la­ra ang sa­ri­li bi­lang pre­si­den­te ng ban­sa, sa ar­ma­dong pwer­sa ng Ve­nezue­la na ta­li­ku­ran si […]

NPA offensives result in 31 AFP casualties
April 21, 2019

Twenty four soldiers were killed when the New People’s Army (NPA)-Negros ambushed a unit of the 62nd IB in April 1 at Barangay Quintin Remo, Moises Padilla, Negros Oriental. On April 9, the NPA bombed the same enemy yunit in Sitio Asaran, Barangay Buenavista, Himamaylan City. Seven soldiers were wounded. Compostela Valley. The NPA ambushed […]

54 AFP casualties in Sultan Kudarat
April 21, 2019

The Marine Battalion Landing Team (MBLT)-2 and the 33rd IB suffered at least 54 casualties in five offensives by the New People’s Army (NPA) in Sultan Kudarat from January 22-March 10. In March 10, the NPA ambushed soldiers of the 33rd IB operating in the mountains of Daguma. The soldiers were aboard a truck when […]

Stand-off in Philippine sovereign seas
April 21, 2019

China: From January to March, 275 Chineses fishing vessels suspected as Chinese Coast guard surveillance ships were spotted near Pag-asa Island (international name: Thitu Island). Some reports sad that these ships carried Chinese paramilitaries named “Little Blue Men.” Pag-asa Island is the biggest island in the Spratly Group of Islands which is located 285 nautical […]

US and China, out now!
April 21, 2019

More than 500 residents of Batangas converged in front of the provincial capitol on March 29 to oppose and condemn Balikatan 2019 which was then scheduled to be launched in their communities. More than 7,500 Filipino and American troops participated in Balikatan 2019 which was launched in various areas in Luzon. This exercise is a […]

The Igorots' revolutionary struggle
April 21, 2019

If not for the hard and spirited struggles waged by the national minorities with the help of the people’s army to protect the ancestral land, the Cordillera would have long been gone. Thus declared Simon Naogsan (Ka Filiw), Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) spokesperson, on the undeniable role of the New People’s Army (NPA) in […]

Traders undercharge Cordillera farmers
April 21, 2019

During the first quarter of 2019, farmgate prices of vegetables dropped in various trading posts in Cordillera. Traders set prices of cabbage and carrots at P1/kilo purportedly due to oversupply. These vegetable farmers (also called gardeners in Cordillera) who have already been battered by monsoons and typhoons Rosita and Ompong are already suffering huge losses […]

Rampaging state terrorism in the first quarter of the year
April 21, 2019

This report was culled from Ang Bayan’s reportage of human rights violations perpetrated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police and other armed agents of the US-Duterte regime across the country in the first quarter of year 2019. Based on the initial tally of Ang Bayan, there have been at least 772 […]