Archive of Uncategorized

Release two members of NDFP peace staff
July 25, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the arrest of two members of the NDFP staff for peace negotiations. The CPP demands the Duterte regime to immediately release Alexander Birondo and Winona Birondo who are both covered by the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) having participated in the NDFP-GRP peace negotiations […]

Filipino people must fight Duterte to the day he dies
July 25, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Duterte declared in his SONA that he will fight to the end of his term. But what will he fighting for? Will he be fighting for Philippine sovereignty? Will he be fighting for fishermen being denied their rights to fish? Will he be fighting for workers? Will he be fighting for the Lumads, the Moros […]

The NPA does not do torture
July 25, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Based on reports of the concerned NPA command, the four armed personnel of the Philippine National Police were killed in an ambush mounted by the NPA in Ayungon town last week, and were not tortured, contrary to false claims made by Duterte. They were armed adversaries of the NPA and died in a legitimate act […]

Denounce sedition cases against Robredo et al
July 19, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the sedition cases filed by the Duterte government against Vice President Leni Robredo, Sen. Leila de Lima, Bishop Soc Villegas and at least thirty other individuals identified with the political opposition. Charging the forces of the political opposition with sedition is a clear case of harassment and […]

By closing Lumad schools, Duterte is teaching Lumads to join the NPA
July 19, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The CPP joins the Lumad people and their organizations, human rights advocates and other groups in condemnding the order to close 55 Lumad community schools. For years, these schools, supported by various civic organizations, are known to provide basic education services to children in Lumad communities long neglected by the Philippine government, and have earned […]

Duterte pushing cha-cha to appease US, pursue power perpetuation
July 09, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Duterte is pressuring the incoming congress to accelerate charter change in order to appease US imperialism by showing it he is still its asset. At the same time, Duterte wants “cha-cha” to secure his agenda for power perpetuation. The Filipino people must brace themselves for a major political battle against Duterte’s aim to further mangle […]

July 09, 2019 |
US has supported past coups, may do it again if Duterte outlives usefulness
July 09, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

In dismissing Prof. Jose Ma. Sison’s analysis of a scenario of a possible US-supported military coup against Duterte, Malacañang and the military and police leadership reveal their complete ignorance of history and the continuing interventionist role being played by the US in the Philippines. At the same time, by attacking and hurling ad hominem attacks […]

1 pinatay, 13 iligal na inaresto sa Negros
July 07, 2019

Patuloy pa rin ang paghahasik ng lagim ng pinagsamang pwersa ng Philippine National Police (PNP), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) at mga paramilitar sa isla ng Negros sa bisa ng Memorandum Order No. 32 at Joint AFP-PNP Campaign Plan Kapanatagan ni Rodrigo Duterte. Sa loob lamang ng tatlong araw nakapagtala ang mga grupo sa […]

On Duterte's dare for US to fire first shot against China
July 07, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Rodrigo Duterte repeatedly makes the faulty argument that the only option for the Philippines to defend its maritime territory and exclusive economic zone is to go to a “losing war” with China, or have the US military wage the war for the country. As pointed out by so many experts in international relations, academics and […]