Articles in English

Resist DILG pressure to declare Left forces "persona non grata"
July 05, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the AFP-instigated publicity campaign of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) for putting undue pressure on local government units to compel them to declare the CPP and New People’s Army (NPA), as well as “Left-wing groups” as persona non grata. If they refuse, these officials […]

Duterte is persona non grata to the Filipino people
July 05, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Rodrigo Duterte, consummate reactionary, chief drug protector and overlord of drug syndicates, number one terrorist butcher and fascist murderer, national traitor, US lackey and sell-out to China, friend of the oligarchs and foreign capitalists, model and patron saint of corrupt big bureaucrats, and scourge and enemy of workers, peasants and ordinary people, is persona non […]

Condemn US warship docking in Davao, Duterte’s subservience to US
June 30, 2019 |

Even as Duterte displays outright slavishness to China over the Recto Bank incident, he manifests utter subservience to the US imperialists by allowing US warships and military troops to continue using the country as a large military base. Yesterday, one of these ships, the US Navy’s USS Montgomery, a littoral combat ship, docked at the […]

Boldly struggle to end Duterte’s tyranny!
June 29, 2019

For printing and mass distribution Download PDF: PIL | ENG | BIS | HIL COLORED: ENG | BIS Boldly struggle to end the scourge of Duterte’s tyrannical rule at the soonest possible time. Every moment he remains in power, the people’s burden and suffering worsen. Almost three years under his rule, people’s lives have worsened […]

Condemn Duterte's murderous spree
June 18, 2019 |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is outraged over the six successive murders in the Bicol region over the past days since June 9. Among those killed are farmers, social activists and human rights workers. The Party holds the Duterte regime, its military and police forces and death squads responsible for these murders. Coinciding […]