Articles in English

State forces arrest 2 NDF consultants
April 07, 2019

Two consultants of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and three others were successively arrrested by the US-Duterte regime last March. In a joint operation, elements of the 202nd IBde and the Philippine National Police (PNP) arrested Fr. Frank Fernandez, 71, NDF-Negros spokesperson, his wife Cleofe Lagtapon, 66 and Geann Perez, 20 last […]

Marawi residents rally against TFBM
April 07, 2019 |

Nearly a thousand Marawi residents marched and staged a rally at the Provincial Capitol Gymnasium on March 20 to condemn the two-year delayed implementation of the city rehabilitation program by Task Force Bangon Marawi (TFBM). The action was mounted in conjunction with the conduct of a dialogue between the TFBM and the residents. They lambasted […]

Youth group oppose Mandatory ROTC
April 07, 2019

Progressive youth organizations mounted successive protests condemning the brutal killing of Willie Amihoy, a Re­serve Officers Trai­ning Corps (ROTC) cadet in the Iloilo Sta­te Col­le­ge of Fis­he­ri­es. The protesters said that ROTC reinforces bullying and violence among students. Various youth groups in UP Cebu and Kabataan Partylist-Panay also conducted protests on March 12 and 13, […]

April 07, 2019

PROTEST VS. CYBER-ATTACKS. Various alternative media groups, digital rights activists and their supporters marked the World Day Against Cyber-Censorship last March 12 with a protest action in front of the De­partment of Infor­ma­ti­on and Com­mu­nica­ti­ons Techno­logy. The protesters condemned the agency’s inaction over the demand of the groups to address the attacks on their websites, […]

Boldly intensify guerrilla warfare and wage all-out resistance against the US-Duterte fascist regime! Carry forward the people’s war to greater heights!
March 29, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

Message of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines on the occasion of the NPA’s 50th founding anniversary The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines, together with the Filipino people and all their revolutionary forces, salutes and extends most militant greetings to all the valiant Red commanders and fighters […]