Articles in English

Duterte will go down in history a scourge to the Filipino people
March 27, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

By his own policies and actions, Duterte has already defined himself and his ruling clique as treasonous, tyrannical, mass murdering, plundering, and swindling. He will certainly go down in Philippine history as a scourge to the Filipino people. Supreme Protector of Drug Lords He misrepresented himself as a crusader against the illegal drug trade and […]

On the plan to set-up National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict
March 14, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The plan to set-up “National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict” shows the Duterte regime is using counter insurgency as pretext to exercise de-facto martial law powers nationwide civilian officials are under pressure to “operate” by the AFP under pain of being red-tagged, as well as by threats of being included in Duterte’s […]

Address the grievances of millions amid crisis
March 07, 2019

The social and economic conditions of the Filipino people continue to deteriorate unabatedly under the Duterte regime as a result of its burdensome policies. Their daily individual effort to survive is always a losing struggle. The Duterte regime throws them mere crumbs to scrounge on, while giving the big oligarchs all opportunities to amass wealth. […]

NPA units in CL, ST seize 16 firearms
March 07, 2019

UNITS OF THE New People’s Army (NPA) in Bulacan and Mindoro Oriental launched two consecutive military actions on February 25 at 26 wherein 16 firearms were consfiscated and the destructive operation of a notorious company was paralyzed. Bu­lacan. The NPA-Bulacan successfully raided the office and detachment of the Seraph Security Agency (SSA) in Barangay San […]

CPP declares March 2019 as "NPA Month"
March 07, 2019

Last February 26, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) declared March 2019 as “NPA Month” in commemoration of the 50th founding anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA) on March 29. This is in celebration of all the victories and advancement of the people’s war in all fields. The CPP challenged all revolutionary forces […]