Articles in English

Psywar campaign to deceive and divide the revolutionary movement through fake peace talks is stupid and futile
April 16, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

Based on their latest statements, it is now clear that Duterte and his running dog General Galvez are not at all interested in serious peace negotiations through panels duly authorized by the NDFP National Council and the GRP president as the principals at the national level. They continue to drive nails into the coffin of […]

Unleash wide-scale land reform and smash Duterte's brutal war in the countryside
April 07, 2019

In the face of the intensified brutality of Duterte’s total war in the countryside, the peasant masses with their revolutionary forces must unleash a widespread land reform movement as an important backbone of the people’s all-out resistance against the rampaging fascist regime. Employing absolute powers, Duterte has imposed a reign of terror across the country. […]

NPA ambushes PNP in Mt. Province
April 07, 2019

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Mt. Province ambushed operating troopers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) who attempted to sabotage the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the NPA on March 29. The Red fighters fired upon the operatives at around 9 a.m. in Mt. Gonggong-o in the town of Bau­ko. An operative was slain while […]

NPA50: People's war, until victory
April 07, 2019

The Central Committee extended its most militant greetings to all Red commanders and fighters on the 50th founding anniversary of the New People’s Army. In its statement, the CPP acknowledged the victories of the NPA in the past five decades of waging armed struggle. The Central Committee paid tribute to all the heroes and martyrs […]

Farmers from Cagayan and Capiz gain victories
April 07, 2019

Farmers from Maayon, Capiz gained victories from a dialogue with eight financiers (merchant-usurers) last March 26. Around 250 Maayon farmers participated in the dialogue which was organized by the Ka­hub­la­gan sang mga Ma­ngu­ngu­ma kag Ma­mu­mu­gon sa Uma sa Ca­piz (Kammaca), a provincial chapter of Pamanggas-Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas. Among the most notable victories of the […]