Articles in English

NPA-Batangas ambushes 59th IB
October 21, 2023

The criminal 59th IB suffered at least five casualties in an ambush by Red fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Batangas in Barangay Bignay, Lobo, Batangas on October 16 in the morning. According to the NPA-Batangas report, they used explosives against a squad of fascist troops before exchanging gunfire. After the operation, the NPA unit […]

India state forces raid democratic organization offices
October 21, 2023

Operatives of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) of the Indian reactionary government raided various democratic and pro-people organizations at Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on October 2. The Forum Against Corporatization And Militarization (FACAM) reports at least 12 organizations were attacked by state forces. The raids are related to the alleged case of the organizations’ “Maoist […]

AFP kills child, 5 civilians
October 21, 2023

In three separate incidents, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) killed a 2-year-old boy and five civilians in Negros Occidental, Abra, and Western Samar in recent weeks. In all incidents, the AFP falsely claimed the victims were New People’s Army (NPA) combatants to cover up their crimes. In Western Samar, soldiers of the 63rd […]

94th IB RCSP unit rape 2 women in Himamaylan City
October 21, 2023 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-South Central Negros (Mt. Cansermon Command) | Dionesio Magbuelas | Spokesperson |

Just this week, the Philippine National Police (PNP) – Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental released a statement through PLt. Col. Reynante Jomocan that a rape case against a minor was documented in Brgy. Carabalan, Himamaylan City where the suspects are the alleged armed group involved in the Fausto family massacre last June 14. Without directly naming […]

2 summary executions by the AFP in Abra
October 19, 2023 | New People's Army | Ilocos-Cordillera Regional Operational Command (Chadli Molintas Command) | NPA-Abra (Agustin Begnalen Command) | Florencio Baluga | Spokesperson |

In recent weeks the AFP reported that its troops were involved in two ‘encounters’ with the NPA. First was an alleged encounter that occurred at the boundary of Sitio Lamunan, Baay-Licuan and Barangay Ableg, Daguioman on October 3. An NPA from Mindanao was reported as casualty. Second, on October 13-14 media reported that the AFP […]