AGC-NPA: AFP are the ones preying on innocent civilians


In yet another display of their senseless tirades, the 303rd Brigade of the AFP claimed that the “Protracted war has taken its toll on innocent civilians”. While baseless, this claim also shows how far these murderers go to deny their doings and pawns while they bask in corrupted money and continue to commit crimes against the people.

The NPA only carry out partisan operations based on the decisions of the people’s revolutionary court, against persons who have committed crimes against the masses and the revolution, such as intelligence assets and informants that disrupt livelihoods and communities. They are therefore legitimate targets of the NPA.

The AFP are quick to deny that these people are their assets who are their local aids in counterinsurgency efforts. They could note this in various news releases and statements in our various social media platforms, where the target’s crimes are mentioned and the partisan operations justified in accordance to the sentence of the revolutionary people’s court.

This outrageous claim of should instead be used to describe them, as the AFP are the champions of human rights violations on innocent civilians, especially farmers, in the island. Since June, AGC has accounted for at least 5 extrajudicial killings, 29 illegal arrests, 7 cases of torture, 1 case of warrantless search, 250 enforced surrenders (in the guise of livelihood programs baited into fake ‘peace rallies) all over Escalante, Murcia, San Carlos, Guihulngan, Canlaon, La Libertad, Himamaylan, Kabankalan, Ilog, Hinobaan, Bayawan, and Santa Catalina, due to intense militarization in these areas.

The AFP’s failed E-CLIP and RCSP have only exposed themselves as corrupt schemes and cash cows for the top brass of the state mercenaries. They have stolen millions from the Filipino people, indulging in their decadence even during the Covid-19 pandemic. Their unquenchable greed and fascist crimes have preyed on countless innocent blood, and the NPA in Negros vow to intensify tactical offensives to seek justice for the people. ###

AGC-NPA: AFP are the ones preying on innocent civilians