Message of the Christians for National Liberation (CNL) Cebu Chapter on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)
It is with great pride and honor that the CNL Cebu Chapter celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the re-establishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines. All the revolutionary forces of church people in Cebu pay the highest tribute to the martyrs of the Party who gave their unconditional service to the cause of class and national liberation. Their names shall always be remembered and immortalized among the great heroes and revolutionaries of our history. CNL-Cebu also salutes all the aging cadres of the Party who, despite of old age and physical limitations, have unwaveringly dedicated their lives to the service of the masses.
Guided by the most advanced revolutionary theory of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the CPP has successfully led the new democratic revolution in the Philippines. The CPP has established organs of political power in the countrysides, implemented agrarian revolution, and waged deadly offensives against the reactionary forces of the state. It has also aroused, organized, and mobilized tens of thousands of the oppressed in the urban areas in order to rally them to the revolutionary cause of defeating US imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism. The resounding successes of the Philippine revolution, the longest communist revolution in the world, echoes the world over. Undoubtedly, the CPP’s rich and long experience of waging a revolution offers a lot of new lessons and theories for the advancement and eventual victory of the internationalist proletarian movement.
Throughout the years, the revolutionary forces of church people in Cebu have looked up and upheld the absolute leadership of the CPP. The CPP, through its strict observance of the mass line, has provided correct, relevant, and timely guidance to the CNL. Being a mass party that is strongly integrated with the mass movement, the CPP is in the position to give theoretical and practical guidance especially in the execution of the political programs of the CNL. And precisely because of its close links with the entire leadership and membership of CNL-Cebu, the CPP, in a timely manner, addresses erroneous tendencies and practices that obstruct the ideological, political, and organizational advance of CNL-Cebu. And while it endeavors to provide correct leadership, the CPP, along with the leaders and the members of CNL-Cebu, does not hesitate in initiating criticisms and self-criticisms in order to combat liberalism and all other erroneous ideas.
The CNL, in its Eighth National Congress held last 2017, has consolidated its ranks in a nationwide scale in order to join the CPP in its march toward reaching the strategic stalemate in the near future and the ultimate victory of the new democratic revolution. Being positioned in the acclaimed cradle of Christianity in Asia, the CNL-Cebu, guided by the golden experience of the CPP, will double its efforts in arousing, organizing, and mobilizing the church people in the province in order to respond to the call of intensifying the armed struggle and to the task of securing all possible support for the revolution. The progressive forces of the church people in Cebu see no gap between the practice of the Christian faith and the revolution. Indeed, it is only by joining the revolutionary cause which will end sinful structures that cause millions to suffer and to die will the practice of the Christian faith be proven genuine; for to follow Christ is to serve the people, and to serve the revolution.
Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!