Archive of Statements

Gear for intensified anti-imperialist and working class struggles under Trump
November 16, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The American workers and people are bound to intensify their class and democratic struggles with the rise to power of the ultra-rightist Donald Trump amid prolonged capitalist depression and continued worsening of the social and economic conditions of the people. Their struggles are inextricably bound to the intensifying anti-imperialist struggles of people and working class […]

Castigate Duterte for dangling writ suspension and PC revival
November 15, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Filipino people must not allow the Duterte regime to get away with dangling the possibility of suspending the writ of habeas corpus and for pushing for the revival of the Philippine Constabulary which will place the police force under the command of the military and the commander-in-chief. He frivolously dangles the suspension of the […]

Advise Duterte against proceeding with Marcos hero’s burial
November 10, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in denouncing the decision of the Supreme Court allowing the Duterte government to proceed with giving a hero’s burial for fallen fascist dictator Ferdinand Marcos. The GRP President Duterte must be advised against proceeding with such a plan. Such payment of political debt to […]

November 07, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Second Congress 2016 |

菲律宾共产党(Communist Party of the Philippines,简称“CPP”)第二次代表大会因何塞·马利亚·西松同志作为党的创始主席、新人民军缔造者和菲律宾人民民主政府的开拓者对菲律宾革命的无私奉献,表达了对他的高度赞赏和最深切的感谢。

Highest honors to Comrade Jose Ma. Sison
November 07, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Second Congress 2016 |

Great communist thinker, leader, teacher and guide of the Filipino proletariat and torch bearer of the international communist movement. Resolution of the Second Congress of the Communist Party of the Philippines November 7, 2016 The Second Congress of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its profound appreciation and expresses deepest gratitude to Comrade […]

CPP hits US hypocrisy in cancelling arms sale to PNP
November 02, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today denounced US hypocrisy for invoking principles of human rights in raising “concern” over increasing number of drug suspects killed in the Duterte regime’s “anti-drug war” in its decision to cancel the planned weapons sale to the Philippine National Police (PNP). Yesterday, the US State Department announced it […]

CPP to US: Keep off issue of Scarborough!
October 29, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today told the US military and government to keep off the issue of the Scarborough Shoal even as it welcomed the peaceful settlement of the matter through friendly negotiations between the GRP President Duterte and China Premier Xi Jinping. Until recently, Filipino fishermen had no access to the […]

Duterte’s policy to leave US sphere of influence and shift to China is mostly positive
October 26, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

GRP President Rodrigo Duterte declared last week that he will leave the military and economic ambit of the United State and forge closer ties with China. Such a declaration is consistent with his promotion of an independent foreign policy. This policy declaration is mostly positive because it asserts the country’s national sovereignty and independence from […]

Condemn the violent dispersals at the US Embassy and Camp Aguinaldo
October 19, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) strongly condemn the violent dispersal of the demonstration of patriotic organizations led by national minority groups in front of the US embassy earlier today. Police personnel used water cannons and tear gas bombs against the demonstrators. Comprising the bulk of the demonstrators were national minority and peasant groups […]

Ramos set to lead Amboy pack against Duterte
October 10, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Former GRP President Gen. Fidel V. Ramos, Amboy top dog, is now set to lead the pack to consolidate the pro-US camp of reactionaries to put on greater pressure on the Duterte regime to backtrack on its promotion of an independent foreign policy. Duterte must now be wary of Gen. Ramos who he won over […]