On the CPP's 52nd anniversary | #DiPa­ga­ga­pi: Further strengthen the Party!


Revolutionary forces held simple yet joyous celebrations in various guerrilla fronts and communities to celebrate the 52nd anniverary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on December 26, 2020. Amid intense military operations and occupation, the masses strove to attend the activities, celebrate the victories achieved by the Party and revolutionary movement, and glean lessons from their experiences during the said year.

Based on initial reports, assemblies and celebrations were held in the guerrilla of the Ilocos-Cordillera Region, Southern Ta­ga­log, Southern Mindanao Region (SMR) and North Eastern Mindanao Region. In SMR, a Basic Party Course graduation ceremony was simultaneously held with the anniversary celebration in a camp of the New People’s Army (NPA).

North Central Min­da­nao. Revolutionary forces faced and overcame the enemy’s brutal attacks in the region. The Party effectively preserved its strength and is now in the position to achieve greater victories in the next year. In 2020, the NPA was able to mount 92 military actions in the region against the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and paramilitaries who serve as mercenaries of big mining companies and plantations. The reactionary military sustained at least 154 casualties, with 88 killed soldiers.

Revolutionary forces were also able to launch successful mass campaigns in the region including confronting landlords, filing of complaints at government agencies, and work stoppage. Through these, they were able to increase the wages of farmworkers and demand their benefits. They were also able raise the farmgate prices of their produce. The masses also valiantly faced the fascism of the AFP in their communities. The regional Party committee paid tribute to 18 Red fighters who were killed in AFP bombing operations, and nine killed in armed encounters.

Northe­astern Min­da­nao. The revolutionary movement in the region withstood intense challenges in waging the people’s war in 2020. In the face of the regime’s all out attacks, the NPA was able to seize military initiative. Red fighters were able to confiscate weapons that is capable of arming a new platoon. They were also able to mount 98 military actions against operating military troopers, and dealt casualties equivalent to a small company.

Pa­nay. The regional Party committee’s statement highlights a significant increase in the mass membership of revolutionary organizations in the island. Revolutionary forces spearheaded campaigns for agrarian reform including demanding the peasant masses’ right to cultivate idle parcels of land, maintaining peace and order, and in advancing various movements for the masses’ class interests.

On the CPP's 52nd anniversary | #DiPa­ga­ga­pi: Further strengthen the Party!