Workers call for pro-foreign and pro-capitalist DOLE secretary to resign

This article is available in Pilipino

The Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) called on June 6 for the immediate resignation of Bienvenido Laguesma as Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) secretary. The group called Laguesma a “real alter-ego” of Ferdinand Marcos Jr, who is a “capitalist and a foreigner’s lapdog.”

“Whenever we advance our calls for wages, jobs, and rights, Laguesma always supports the position of big local and foreign capitalists,” KMU said.

Laguesma excuses his stance against wage increases by mouthing the threat that any increase will cause the rise in goods and services prices. KMU said Laguesma talks about the need to “balance” the interests of employers and workers, but he is in fact only promoting the capitalists’ refusal to raise wages.

“He even attempts to pit workers against one another using the lie that it will cause wage distortion, and mass layoffs,” according to the group.

Laguesma also approves of precarious, irregular and substandard labor as long as foreign capitalists make a profit, the group said. He parrots state economic officials in claiming “improvements” in the country’s labor situation despite the millions of unemployed and underemployed Filipinos.

“Laguesma represents the US-Marcos regime’s very policy on labor—a policy that promotes low wages, irregular and substandard work, and violates workers’ rights in favor of huge profits,” according to KMU.

AB: Workers call for pro-foreign and pro-capitalist DOLE secretary to resign