Archive of Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer

Teodoro does not want peace talks because the US wants eternal wars
June 09, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Let us call a spade a spade, newly appointed Defense Sec. Gilberto Teodoro said. Well, let us call him for what he essentially is. Teodoro is a US factotum who does not want to pursue peace negotiations with the revolutionary forces because his bosses in the US Pentagon wants eternal wars to consume the surplus […]

Oppose use of Calayan island for US war prepositioning
June 08, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

News today that around 25 hectares of land in Calayan island, one of the country’s northernmost islands, have been “donated” by the local municipality to the Armed Forces of the Philippines highlight the rising militarization of the northern outskirts of the country following instigation by the US government and military. The Filipino people must oppose […]

Tutulan ang paggamit sa Calayan island sa pang-uupat ng gera ng US
June 08, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Ang balita ngayong araw na ibinigay bilang “donasyon” ng lokal na munisipyo sa Armed Forces of the Philippines ang 25-ektaryang lupa sa Calayan island, isa sa mga pinaka-hilagang isla ng bansa, ay nagpapatampok sa tumitinding militarisasyon ng malayong hilagang bahagi ng bansa kaakibat ng pang-uudyok ng gubyerno at militar ng US. Dapat tutulan ng mamamayang […]

Are US drones dropping bombs in the Philippines?
June 04, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The US imperialists and its military forces are notorious for outright military intervention and violating the territorial sovereignty of countries around the world. Indeed, it is well known that the US military has been freely operating their drones and other aircraft within Philippine airspace to transport war matériel and personnel in their various military bases […]

June 03, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

与菲律宾武装部队(AFP)公开介绍的许多所谓的“投降者”一样,卡加延的青年活动家迈克尔·塞德里克·卡萨诺(Michael Cedrick Casano)和帕特里夏·妮可·西尔瓦(Patricia Nicole Cierva)也受到了军方无情的心理折磨,以破坏他们为人民而战的精神和决心。

On Cagayan "surrenders," torture and secret detention
June 03, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Like many of so-called “surrenderees” who are presented publicly by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Michael Cedrick Casano and Patricia Nicole Cierva, youth activists in Cagayan, were subjected by the military to relentless psychological torture to break their spirit and will to fight for the people. The civil and political rights of Casano […]

Marcos' Maharlika Fund to bring bureaucrat capitalism to new heights
June 01, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in condemning the Marcos regime and its rubberstamp congress for railroading the Maharlika Investment Fund. The Malacañang-supported bill was ratified with unjustified and questionable rush by Marcos’ minions in the Senate and House of Representatives, in complete disregard of widespread and strong public disapproval […]

Views about Sara Duterte’s appointment and statement as NTF-Elcac co-vice chair
May 11, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

1. Notorious for her militarist and fascist mindset, as well as for ambitions to become president, Sara Duterte fits in well in the NTF-Elcac, than in the Department of Education. After one year, she has proved herself to be a big failure in the DepEd where she has ignored the pressing problems faced by teachers […]

Notice: On the takedown of our Twitter accounts
April 29, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Notice Yesterday, Twitter accounts of the Philippine Revolution Web Central (@prwc_info3), Ang Bayan (@cpp_angbayan), of Marco Valbuena (@cpp_mv) and several others were suspended or taken down without warning. The takedown was carried out a week after the Party exposed the fascist crime of the Philippine military in the torture and killing of CPP leaders Benito […]

Centino's call for amnesty is a sugar-coated bullet
April 28, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The call for amnesty for members of the New People’s Army is a sugar-coated bullet. It is a vain psywar attempt to draw public attention away from rampant cases of torture and extrajudicial killings, violation of women and child rights, hamletting of communities, aerial bombing and artillery shelling, perpetrated by soldiers in the drive to […]