Archive of Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer

Expose AFP ploy to use talks of peace talks as tool for pacification
December 03, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for maliciously misrepresenting the Oslo Joint Statement as a declaration seeking to end the revolutionary armed struggle being waged by the New People’s Army in the vain hope of using it as a tool for pacification and suppression. The Party […]

Reaction to Galvez's statements on peace talks
December 03, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Alluding to the statement of the Party and various other organizations welcoming the Oslo Joint Statement, Sec. Carlito Galvez, former military general and now Presidential Peace Adviser, criticized calls for the delisting of the CPP/NPA/NDFP and NDFP Negotiator Luis G Jalandoni from the “terror list” of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), […]

December 03, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

  马可·瓦尔布埃纳 || 首席信息员 || 菲律宾共产党 2023年12月3日 前军事将领、现任总统和平顾问卡利托·加尔韦斯(Carlito Galvez)部长在谈到党的声明以及其他各组织对《奥斯陆联合声明》的欢迎时,批评了将菲律宾共产党-新人民军-菲律宾民族民主阵线及其谈判代表路易斯·哈兰多尼(Luis G Jalandoni)从菲律宾共和国政府(GRP)的“恐怖名单”中除名以及释放被拘留的菲律宾民族民主阵线和平谈判代表及顾问的呼吁。 加尔韦斯想要驳斥这些呼吁,称和谈的进行“不应有先决条件”。然而加尔韦斯和他的军方同僚们却喋喋不休地谈论根本不存在的“最终和平协议”,同时还要求和谈应当“重新开始”。加尔韦斯必须向人民做出相当充分的解释。 首先,他应当向公众解释,在不将菲律宾共产党-新人民军-菲律宾民族民主阵线从菲律宾政府的“恐怖分子名单”中除名,同时又不违反菲律宾政府自己经常重申的“我们不与恐怖分子谈判”政策的情况下,与菲律宾民族民主阵线的和谈应当如何进行。他一边要与路易斯同志谈判,一边又叫他“恐怖分子”,这难道不是暗怀极大恶意吗? 加尔韦斯还应当向公众解释,如果要处理对应的和必要的研究和书面工作的菲律宾民族民主阵线和平顾问和人员继续被拘留——这违反他们受《安全与豁免保障联合协议(JASIG)》保障的权利——与菲律宾民族民主阵线的和谈应当如何进行? 菲律宾民族民主阵线谈判小组主席朱莉·德利马(Julie de Lima)已经说明了,这些问题不是先决条件,而是在正式会谈能够进行之前需要讨论的问题。 事实上,这些都是实际问题,如果得不到解决,很难想象和平谈判如何进行下去——无论是从菲律宾政府的角度(“我们不与恐怖分子谈判”的困境),还是从菲律宾民族民主阵线的角度(“我们不能在狱中谈判”)。 这些问题也反映了和平谈判中更根本的问题。如果加尔韦斯甚至连取消对菲律宾共产党-新人民军-菲律宾民族民主阵线的“恐怖主义定性”的呼声都不想听,难道还能倾听人民对土地改革和民族工业化,以及为社会公正和国家主权采取关键措施的基本而迫切的要求吗? 加尔韦斯是否想把和平谈判降格为单纯的“投降”谈判?我们清楚地知道这正是军方和美国长期以来的愿望。如果新人民军的投降是加尔韦斯和菲律宾武装部队想要的,那么我们应该立刻告诉他们:这是没得商量的!

Ilantad ang pakana ng AFP na gamitin ang mga usapan para sa usapang pangkayapaan para sa pasipikasyon
December 03, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Tinutuligsa ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP) ang Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) sa malisyosyong misreprentasyon sa Oslo Joint Statement bilang isang deklarasyong naghahangad na wakasan ang rebolusyonaryong armadong pakikibakang inilulunsad ng Bagong Hukbong Bayan (BHB) sa imbing hangarin na gamitin ito bilang pakana para sa pasipikasyon at panunupil. Mahigpit na itinatakwil ng Partido […]

Mark Bonifacio's 160th birth anniversary with even greater energy to wage armed resistance for genuine national liberation
November 30, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in marking today the 160th birth anniversary of Andres Bonifacio, hero of the Filipino working class and icon of the people’s militant resistance against foreign colonial oppression. After more than a century of US colonial and semicolonial rule in the Philippines, the Filipino people […]

Mga tinik at tilos sa landas patungo sa makatarungan at pangmatagalang kapayapaan
November 28, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Ikinalulugod ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP) ang pagpirma sa Oslo Joint Statement noong Nobyembre 23 sa Oslo, Norway, ng Negotiating Panel ng National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), at mga upisyal na sugo ng Gubyerno ng Republika ng Pilipinas (GRP). Ang pinagsanib na pahayag ay deklarasyon ng hangaring lumikha ng mga kundisyon at […]

Thorns and spikes on the road towards a just and lasting peace
November 28, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) welcomes the signing of the Oslo Joint Statement last November 23 in Oslo, Norway, by the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), and official envoys of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP). The joint statement is a declaration of intent […]

November 28, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

菲律宾共产党(CPP)欢迎菲律宾民族民主阵线(NDFP)谈判小组与菲律宾共和国政府(GRP)官方特使于11月23日在挪威奥斯陆签署《奥斯陆联合声明(Oslo Joint Communique)》。这项联合声明是一项旨在为举行和平谈判创造条件和确立框架的宣言。

Marcos amnesty is a big sham!
November 26, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Marcos amnesty declaration (Proclamation No 404) is a big sham! The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and all revolutionary forces under its leadership denounce and reject the Marcos amnesty, and declare their unwavering determination to advance the revolutionary armed struggle to end imperialist domination, tyranny, corruption and oppression under the Marcos regime. The […]

November 26, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

小马科斯所谓的“大赦宣言(Proclamation No 404)”是一个弥天大谎。菲律宾共产党和所有革命力量的领导都对小马科斯所谓的‘大赦’嗤之以鼻,并宣布他们将坚定不移地推进革命武装斗争,以结束马科斯政权统治下的帝国主义统治、暴政、腐败和压迫。