Archive of NDF-Ilocos

NTF-ELCAC’s surrender campaign is a shameless sham: Various government offices colluding to violate people’s rights
May 14, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Rosa Guidon | Spokesperson |

Aside from sheer lack of concern, Valdez and his subordinates’ only motivation could be a possible cut from the Php16.44 billion of the so-called Barangay Development Program.

Duterte refuses to condemn Chinese incursions for own interests
April 30, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Rosa Guidon | Spokesperson |

Rodrigo Duterte blabbers about the West Philippine Sea (WPS) like the issue of Philippine territory and sovereignty is a personal one. Last Wednesday’s presidential drivel actually betrayed not just his ambivalence but also his lack of concern for the fisher folk whose livelihood and lives are put at risk because of his subservience to China. Vague statements of ‘Atin talaga yan,’ ‘Mayroon tayong utang na loob (sa China),’ ‘I have the interest of my country to protect,’ and ‘Tignan natin,’ did nothing to shine any light on what he actually intends to do. At the end of it all, he makes excuses for China and calls it ‘a good friend.’

NDF-Ilocos: Long live the 48th anniversary of the NDFP!
April 24, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Rosa Guidon | Spokesperson |

As the NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC FRONT – ILOCOS celebrates the founding of the national alliance, it lauds the #CommunityPantry movement as a spontaneous act of compassion and solidarity among poor Filipinos. While Filipinos continue to languish due to Rodrigo Duterte’s refusal to efficiently solve the pandemic and its ensuing worsening economic burdens, such community initiatives serve to unite the basic classes to progressive sectors and even the enlightened part of the middle class. It is an amazing display of nationwide collectivism ignited after an unassuming pantry sprung up in one barangay in Metro Manila followed within a week by around 350 more.

NDF-Ilocos: On its 52nd year, NPA further proves itself a truly revolutionary army
March 29, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Rosa Guidon | Spokesperson |

NDF-Ilocos: On its 52nd year, NPA further proves itself a truly revolutionary army Duterte keeps economic and political situation favorable for armed revolution Whenever he deems to show himself and play pretend president of this administration, Rodrigo Duterte mainly just froths at the mouth with expletives, gibberish and hot air against his many opponents and […]

Bukas na Liham ng Kabataang Makabayan- Ilocos para sa Ika-52 Taon Anibersaryo ng NPA
March 29, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Kabataang Makabayan-Ilocos | Karlo Agbannuag | Spokesperson |

Minamahal naming mga kasama sa New People’s Army, Pulang saludo at pagbati sa inyong lahat! Kaisa nyo kami sa pagdiriwang ng ika-52 taong anibersaryong pagkakatatag ng NPA ngayong araw. Lubos ang aming kagalakan at paghanga sa inyong mga pagsisikap na ipagtanggol kaming mamamayan at isulong ang demokratikong rebolusyong bayan sa harapan ng uhaw-sa-dugong halimaw na […]

Pablaak iti Maika-52 Anibersaryo ti NPA
March 29, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid-Ilocos | Julian Sadiri | Spokesperson |

Kangatoan ken kabaraan a kablaaw ti sangsangkamaysa nga iyab-abrasa ti PKM-Ilocos iti sibubukel nga intar ti NPA – ti pudno a soldados ti umili – iti daytoy nga aldaw a maika-52 nga anibersaryo na manipud nabuangay daytoy idi Marso 29, 1969! Iti pakasaritaan, nangrugi da laeng iti bilang a 68 ken am-amang a nagbassit ken […]

NDF-Ilocos: TF-ELCAC continues to attack people's rights amidst the pandemic
March 24, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Rosa Guidon | Spokesperson |

NDF-Ilocos: TF-ELCAC continues to attack people’s rights amidst the pandemic Duterte rewards fascist troops with bigger budget instead of prioritizing people’s welfare Despite his own corruption, political dynasty ambitions and cronyism mimicking that of Ferdinand Marcos, Rodrigo Duterte this week had the temerity to once again raise a stink about how he would deal with […]

Makatawen a Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Makatawen a Nakaro a Didigra iti Marigrigat nga Umili
March 15, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid-Ilocos | Julian Sadiri | Spokesperson |

Makatawenen ti covid-19 a pandemya ken lockdown a sapsaparen ti intero nga umili a pakairamanan tayo ditoy Ilocos. Agdindinnamag iti intero a lubong a ti pagilian a Pilipinas laeng ti nangipatungpal iti kabayagan a lockdown ngem isu met laeng ti kaaduan ti kaso iti Covid-19 a dimmanonen iti nasurok 600,000 nu idilig kadagiti kakaarruba daytoy […]

NDF-Ilocos: The Filipino women’s place is in revolutionary armed struggle!
March 08, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Rosa Guidon | Spokesperson |

Duterte can rot while women and the people create a better society for all! With the rotting system becoming more and more anti-peasant and anti-people under the misogynistic tyranny of Rodrigo Duterte, he can be assured that the Filipino women is part of the revolution that will cause his downfall. Class Oppression The yearlong pandemic […]

Nadayaw a Pananglagip kadagiti ipatpateg tayo a 3 Ilokos Martyrs!
February 14, 2021 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Ilocos | Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid-Ilocos | Julian Sadiri | Spokesperson |

Makatawenen iti napalabas idi kinigtot tayo iti damag iti parbangon ti Pebrero 14, 2020 nga idi rabii sakbay daytoy nga aldaw, Pebrero 13, ket awanan asi a pinalpaltogan dagiti elemento ti 81st IB dagiti tallo a kakadua a nakidagus iti maysa a kalapaw idiay Santa Lucia, Ilocos Sur! Isuda Julius “Ka Goyo” Marquez, Eniabelle “Ka […]