Articles in English

Whither the NTF-Elcac's funds for barangay development?
September 07, 2023

Since being initiated by National Task Force (NTF)-Elcac in 2021, the bogus Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP) has received a massive ₱28.4 billion fund. Like the “surrender” campaign, “balik-aral” (return-to-school) and other counter-insurgency programs, this has lined the pockets of military officers and bureaucrats, through kickbacks in infrastructure projects in farflung sitios and barangays. […]

Calls to probe 2022 election anomalies mount
September 07, 2023

Patriotic congressmen filed a resolution on August 31 to compel Congress to investigate the anomalies during the 2022 elections to shed light how widespread cheating was carried out to bring the Marcos-Duterte tandem to power. These anomalies belie declarations by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) that no cheating occurred in the last election. At the […]

In short
September 07, 2023
Sara Duterte's excesses and anomalies denounced
September 07, 2023

A plethora of issues of excesses and anomalies were uncovered in a Commission on Audit (COA) report questioning irregular 2022 transactions of Sara Duterte’s office. Foremost among these is her spending of ₱125 million confidential funds for which there was no item in the 2022 budget. It was discovered that this fund was consumed only […]

2nd IB massacres 3 women in Masbate
September 07, 2023

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) unleashed brazen fascist terrorism in Masbate after it killed three civilians, and attempted to kill three others in August. There are now 18 victims of political killings in the province under the Marcos Jr regime. The soldiers falsely claimed that the victims were New People’s Army (NPA) members […]