Articles in English

Marcos is daydreaming that he can defeat the NPA
September 03, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Officials of the Marcos regime are daydreaming when they make declarations of attaining “strategic victory” and defeating the New People’s Army (NPA). These wishful declarations are not new. They have been issuing exactly the same statements for three decades now and have repeatedly been proven wrong by facts. General Año’s pronouncement yesterday of “ending the […]

Quezon ambush demonstrates robust armed resistance to state terrorism
September 02, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The leadership and entire membership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and all revolutionary forces applaud the Red fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA) for the victorious ambush yesterday morning against the fascist troops of the 85th IB in Barangay Mapulot, Tagkawayan, Quezon. The NPA-Quezon (Apolonio Mendoza Command) reported having seized five […]

₱20 rice will remain a farfetched dream under a semicolonial and semifeudal society
September 01, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Bicol | Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid-Bicol |

A fish is caught by its mouth indeed. Recently, government officials finally admitted the implausibility of achieving Marcos’ campaign promise of lowering rice prices to ₱20 particularly now that national grain stock is low. Farmers find this predictable especially since the US-Marcos Jr regime has done nothing concrete for this to come to fruition. There […]

NDFP to Año: Plan to defeat CPP-NPA-NDF within Marcos Jr’s term is ‘ridiculous’
September 01, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Negotiating Panel | Juliet de Lima | Interim Chairperson |

“Año must be delusional. The target to defeat the CPP-NPA-NDF within the current administration is just outright ridiculous,” stated National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) negotiating panel interim chairperson Julie De Lima in response to a recent remark made by Eduardo Año, National Security Adviser (NSA). Last 31 Aug in a press briefing, Año […]

To all the families of victims of state violence and the entire Bikolano masses
August 31, 2023 | New People's Army | Bicol Regional Operational Command (Romulo Jallores Command) | Raymundo Buenfuerza | Spokesperson |

We feel the pain you are in right now. The cowardly military and police brutality and savagery also enrage us. They are the true terrorists who know nothing but to attack and kill those who are in no position to defend themselves. It pains us that our mothers, fathers, children, siblings and friends—our most beloved […]