Articles in English

Coconut planters demand aid, increase in farmgate prices
September 07, 2020

Hundreds of coconut planters protested in front of the Phi­lip­pi­ne Coco­nut Aut­ho­rity in Le­gazpi City, Albay on August 20 to demand a dialogue, aid, increase in the farmgate prices of copra, and the immediate return of the coco levy fund. The protest coincided the 47th year of the Presi­dential Decree 27 which imposed the collection […]

Ang Bayan Special Issue | August 31, 2020
August 31, 2020

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On the current character of Philippine society
August 31, 2020

On the current character of Philippine society Interview with Jose Maria Sison Founding Chairperson, Communist Party of the Philippines and Author, Philippine Society and Revolution Introduction: The question of the character of Philippine society is a key ideological question for the Party and the revolutionary movement. In recent months, there is marked increase in intellectual and […]

Critique of the Trotskyite attacks on the CPP and the Philippine revolution
August 25, 2020

Critique of the Trotskyite attacks on the CPP and the Philippine revolution Interview with Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairperson Communist Party of the Philippines 1. It is well-known that Joseph Scalice has been attacking your writings and you personally in violent anti-communist and anti-Stalinist language since 2017. Why did you criticize him only this recently? […]

Ang Bayan Special Issue | August 25, 2020
August 25, 2020

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